Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Story in Heaven: Why is There Disobedience or Crime? (THEORY)

   This (about the half part of this post) is a theory to help the confused and even more, so they may not fall in the deception of the Devil to stand against God.

  Among those who believe in God as well as the needy, in fact, among the people of the world regardless of races and religions, for we all believe in God or at least in some super natural things, these questions are repeated from time to time: Why did God created us just to suffer? Why did God created crime or sin? Why did He make Satan, the Devil? Why did He allow and give Satan the opportunity to deceive Adam and Eve? and many related questions.
   We blame God and ask such questions, sometimes curse Him or spit out blasphemies just because we did not know how all these things started. So, let's suppose a story in Heaven on how it all began.
   Therefore, we have to go back before the beginning of this world, before the creation of human beings and see how sin or crime, adversity, disaster and death begin to exist on this earth.

   The Eternal Omnipotent God, the Father of all things created Jesus Christ in the most beginning and Jesus Christ became His first and eldest child. Then, with Jesus, God the Father created all things, the heavens and Angels including Lucifer perfectly and beautifully, and He so loved them for they are His children which He give birth with His power.
   Lucifer was given unique perfect beauty and talents including seven voice which he can use them once at a time and He was placed as the leader, general upon all other angels and to guard or keep the heavens. But he begin to feel proud of himself and desires to sit upon God.
   But, as children have the choice to obey or disobey, in other words to make peace or war, love or hate their parents on earth, the children of the Omnipotent God have that choice before the creation of the earth, and they were not nurtured with force but an unlimited or endless love.
   Though Lucifer have conscience and know that God and Jesus Christ created all things including him, he decided to rebel against God the Father, and he begin a mutiny against God so that he may be like the Most High in the end.  check out here and also see this
   God, with His great endless love, tried His best to reform Lucifer but Lucifer would not repent and reform.

   Then, after making all the heavenly things and spend some times with them, again God thought and decided to create human beings like His Image without giving them powers unlike the angels. But He want them to live as gods, king and queen, upon all other living things on earth but prince and princess to Him. And as He usually do, He called on Jesus Christ and told him, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." written proof on Genesis
   Seeing this, seeing that the Omnipotent Father and the first and eldest son Jesus were planning to create a new world, Lucifer being already proud felt jealous of Jesus Christ, who is his elder, and and also God. So, he continue to disagree and false accuse God and spread that he was not included in the new world plan. He wanted to be in it and learn the secret of making living things.

   He know it is wrong to be a disobedient or an evil child, he know its wrong to feel discontent, jealous and oppose and accuse God the Father but he continue to fill his hearts with evil: disobedience. So, as usual he complain about God the Father with the new world project to all the angels of God and false accuse Him, then he became Satan the Devil.
   One third of the stars = one third of the Angels then sided with him, and so project human beings became one of the great and most important issue in the Heaven of God. It was the talk of the heavens.

   Since, God do what He says He was truly going to make human beings. But as an all knowing and full of power and love, God knows that Lucifer, Satan the Devil will try to deceive human beings after they are created. Since, God's character has become a question, He has to proof He don't oppress or force His creations, children to serve Him.
   So God the Father asked, 'Who will go and save human beings if they ever fall in the deception of Lucifer?'
   Then, Jesus replied His Father, 'I will go Father, I will do whatever you tell me to save them,' and this was the moment Jesus die for the world in words before the creation of the new world. Thus the scripture, '....the lamb slain from the foundation of the world.'

   Since, God is and of love and law, full of love, He did not kill or destroy Satan and His followers before the creation of the world. There must also be a proof for all the world and heavens to see that Satan is evil, the Devil.
   Since the project, human beings and the new world where human beings will live were one of the main issue that make Satan as right and truthful, Satan can try to deceive the world. And he does deceive the world.

    After planning everything for the new world of human beings, including a plan if human beings ever fall on Satan deception and commit sins, the human beings world was created by God. God also created the days including the seventh day, the Rest day known as Sabbath and Saturday, as planned. Thus human beings and all living things come to exist including the week, also the month and year.
   God also tells Adam, the first man, to love and obey Him if not he will die, there is evil that is sin and death as its wage,  and He give them a very easy law so that they may not sin and die. Adam do also tell it to Eve.
   The easy law was just not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and also touch it not. "15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”" written in Genesis The other law was not to work on the seventh day but keep it as rest day and reminder of the creation of the human world.

   As Satan was a jealous super being and don't want men to live forever He, Satan did try his best, and deceive the first man and woman.
   He knows that it is easier to deceive others by their desire than let them work to break the law, so he use the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil tree. He did not tell the woman, Eve, to work on the seventh day, or Saturday but to eat a fruit.
   When Eve ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil tree, half of the world have sinned but it can still be saved if the first man Adam did not ate it.

   When Adam know that his wife, being tempted and deceived have sinned, he know he have two choice: to love and obey God his Father or to love and die with his fellow human beings Eve, and also the Devil.
   Adam knew if he did not eat the fruit, Eve will die and he will live, but since he also loved her so much, he decided not to love and obey God more than evil and ate the fruit that his love give him, to die with his love, Eve who came to exist after him needless to mention God the Father.
      Thus the whole world commit sin, and death and its related things, adversity, disaster, pain, hatred, gossip, conspiracy, war and many other things, all that do not belong to eternity and love follow and came to exist in this world as Satan, the Devil has deceived and keep the man and woman, the king and queen of the world as his slave and made himself the king of this world. Yes, since, those who commit crime or sin must die, we human beings who have no power have no more or cannot have eternity anymore which can be obtain from the tree of life but fell to a deep and long sleep and die.
   Therefore, the story that begin in heaven and was before the creation of the human world extended and continued in this human world too.
   Since, God had in advanced another plan to save and bring back human beings, Adam and Eve became His runaway or in other words disobedient son and daughter. That's how all Adam and Eve descendants became runaway children, in other words disobedient sons and daughters of God.

   Then, as time passed by human beings has forgotten God and His laws as it is today.
   So, God again appointed a man called Noah but since the people on Noah's time did not accept him and his eternal good news, God punish and let all the people have a deep and long sleep, rest by the great flood except the true God believers Noah and his family. It was on 1656 years from the creation of the human world. Yes, again God tried to raise human beings who love and believe Him, who are good and obedient. And again He give the human beings easy laws through Noah. The easy laws are to eat only clean animals and plants but not unclean one including blood, not to kill fellow human beings and many other things including a rest day in a week which was the same old one.

   But then again, as time passed by human beings has forgotten God and His laws, God again called out a man named Abraham and chose his generation called Israel as His priest, to be the light of the world so that the world may know Him, the true God.
   For the third time, God give easy law known as the Ten Commandments which includes the rest day, Sabbath as reminder of the creation to the world through the chosen people. God had planned this things before He let them come to pass, we may slightly understand from Abraham, who He called him out and tell him that, 'all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.'
   Needless to say the rest of the world but the chosen people breaks the Ten Commandments many times though it is easy to follow as temptation always come to everybody on earth and as human beings can be easily deceived and manipulated because the Devil is always working full time.

   So, as God had thought and make a preplan for the world if it ever fall to disobedience, He sent us Jesus Christ in time but first to Israel, His first chosen people. Jesus Christ was The Eternal Blessing for all peoples on earth which God had given to the world through Abraham.
   Jesus, the Son of God teach human beings that obedience is the result of love, and the laws of God is a law of love in other words, the action or character of love. So, again He told us to keep the law of God that is The Ten Commandments by telling us that we must love God with all the heart, soul and mind in the first place, and love one another in the second place.
   We may not know but the way to love God is to keep or follow the first 4 Law, where the same Rest Day, the seventh day of the week known as Saturday and also Sabbath which was created and established in the beginning of the creation of the human world  is included for it is the acknowledgement or acceptance that God had created the heavens and earth and all the things including the days and week. And the way to love one another is to keep the last 6 Law, then our love to God will be completed with the faith in Jesus Christ and we will be saved and bestowed eternity which includes eternal life by the Grace of God. 
   It is needless to repeat that God's people of the last of the times, in other words the followers of Jesus Christ must eat only the clean animals and plant but not the unclean things because God have given that commandment to Noah and his descendants who He saved from the great flood, and we all are his (Noah) descendants.
   Jesus himself confirms what is written above by saying, "If you love me, keep my commandments." proved it
   Of course, if we love God, we will keep His commandments.
   Again, the Israel people did not recognise the Son of God, Jesus Christ as Satan's has blinded them again by deception, so Satan false accused and killed Jesus Christ in the cross using human beings by deceiving and manipulating them.
   Since Satan the Devil not only kills human beings through war and many other things, he also killed God, Jesus Christ the Heavenly body and king, son of God the Father it is a proof or evidence that Lucifer the then Satan the Devil was the father and beginning of all sins and crime. So, he was thrown out of Heaven to the world full of sins which he himself created, where he is the king, emperor who controls or manipulate the world. That have been told on my previous post, 'Things Satan the Devil Cannot Do.'

   Since the first chosen people, Israel did not recognise Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, God then chose the followers of Jesus Christ to keep the Ten Commandments and spread to the whole world the story of Jesus Christ, the Truth and be the light of the world. proof in Revelation check in Matthew After that the end will come. written proof in Matthew They are now the choosen, the Israelites in the Eyes of God of Love.

   As an all knowing and knowing that the peoples on earth can be and were, are and will be easily manipulated by Satan the Devil and as time passes by the peoples on earth will corrupt the teaching of Jesus Christ, God again decided to send to the world His last prophet, in fact the second and very smaller Messiah which He made it known or foretold through one of His prophets called Malachi. Thus, the message - For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.
4 Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.
5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
   Knowing these things, many times I'd pray to God to make me as that Elijah of the last of the times but even if I could not be, as I am so great a sinner, I still wanted to be the servant of that Elijah and ask for that. But now I am just the squandered anointed, the squandered son of God as many of us are because some among us have returned to God by keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ as written here. And they must be patient and determined (see), therefore they must be well educated in the knowledge and practice of the Truth.

   The said Elijah, the last prophet of God is the second prophet/Messiah that comes after the first Messiah, Yeshua, Emmanuel. This have been prophesied by Daniel and John of Patmos as the two witness. Prove it on the book of Daniel who was taken to Babylon, and Revelation.
   E. G. White prophesied that the two witnesses was the Old and New Testament because that was what God revealed to her, and it was true. But, as many parts in the Bible are meant for two or more applications, the two witnesses are also likewise and it is meant for three application.
   One is the Old and New Testament, in other words the prophets or appointed people of God that write the Old and New Testament.
   The other is the Two Messiahs.
   And, the third one on which it is meant to apply is those who believed, accept and follow the Two Witnesses/Messiahs.

    But before such time comes let the world know that the end of the world is very near and return to God the Father in Heaven and be His patient and faithful sons and daughters, for the end of the world is near and as the righteous will continue to be righteous and evil will continue to be evil in the great and dreadful day of the Lord. The great trials and tribulations for the people of God will also come.
   The last 1260 days for the people of God, the two witnesses who believe in Witnesses/Messiahs/Anointed, to prophecy will also come. With the Holy Spirit, God's Spirit in other words, with Angels of God the Two Witnesses will prophesy for a time, times and half a time = 3 and half years = 42 months = 1260 days with humbleness and willingness.
   Yes, the Two Witnesses of God will preach the Gospel as they do miracles.
   I believe even children will have the power of God.

   After the prophecy, the past and to be the future world beast (coldblooded leader) that comes from the Abyss (= peoples), the world leader known as Pope will again falsely accuse, condemned and with violence, kill the faithful, the Two Witnesses of God who keep the easy law and the faith of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem where their Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. It is written Revelation 11
"11 But after the three and a half days the breath[b] of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 12 Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.

   After that, the great and dreadful day of God, when God will punish the whole world will follow. The six of the seven Angels will sound their six trumpets.

   Let's pray fervently my fellow human beings so that we can have an open and willing hearts before 1260 days come to pass! For, Jesus Christ, the Begotten Faithful Son of God, as was planned from the foundation of the world and as was, is and will be proclaimed, will come with His Glory and take His true followers, who follow things written here, with Him to the Beautiful and Perfect Heaven of God. And, curse will be upon us, the disobedient children if we don't have an open and willing heart and returned to Him, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

   Thoughts for the day

   Thoughts are the beginning of all things.
   But, Truth cannot be accepted with a reluctant heart, but a willing heart can.

   Roughs are diamonds,
   Polished are reformed.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Things Satan the Devil Cannot Do

   It seems many of us believes that Satan can do everything except giving life as we have been taught. Thus, the teaching continues to spread. But, there are more things Satan cannot do. Since we are in the last of the times and as we continue nearing the End, its time for the world to know the truth about the things Satan cannot do. Yes, before the end of the world all the truth that the world must know will be revealed and the world will know whether or not it accept it or not.

   Satan cannot do good things as he have made his mind and decision to never do good things but evil as long as he lives, until God punished him. So, it is needless to say that Satan and his followers, other fallen angels, cannot forgive.
   Since, Satan cannot do good things and forgive we human beings, who are not well educated in conscience and love feel it hard to forgive others as we have been tempted or deceived by Satan and had taken us far away from true knowledge, the Truth. Anyway, there is no one who need Satan's forgiveness as there is no one who do evil things to him, for it is him who tempt or deceive us, human beings and also his angelic followers to do evil and be sinful. I believe most of us, if not all, know that and may also know the things that Satan cannot do which are written below.

   Satan cannot give life only but also take. If Satan also cannot take life or cause death it means he cannot harm anybody as he will without or unless God will/allowing (we can see it in Jacob story). Likewise, its certain that he cannot bring or cause accident, disaster or adversity as he will or wish though it is because of him such things exist including sins that turn the perfect world into imperfect world.
   If Satan, who have power, cannot take our life and harm us as he will and whenever he wish, nobody, nothing can harm us or take our life in this world without God's will. Therefore, there is nothing to fear but to have faith in God for He is omnipotent.
   If Satan can cause adversity and death as he wish, he would have killed all those who do not obey and worship him. But, that does not happen because God prevent Satan from doing things as he want, that is why there are many stories that people came back to normal life after going through near death experiences and other adversities.
   Satan cannot defeat God's people, needless to say that he cannot defeat God. Anyway, it was God who created Satan with power and give him power. So, it is God's duty to control Satan from using the power wrongly, evilly in extreme.
   It is also needless to say, Satan cannot deceive, harm or kill God's people as written above. God's people are those who seek God with all their heart, soul and mind, those who are bornagain, the true followers of Jesus Christ.

   Thoughts for the day:

   Love not knowledge but the Truth, and then you will have true knowledge.
   Love love and you will love the Truth.

   In the desert, a piece of grain is worth more than gold.
   In times of hunger and thirst, one desires for food and water more than gold and diamond.

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Be Aware of Satanic: New Group and Suicide Cause

   I believe many of us have seen the video made by Amanda Todd which can be viewed on youtube and also Olivia Liv Panpraze's youtube video who had committed suicide after they make the videos.
   They have made such kind of videos and have committed suicide because the evil people conspires against and bullied them.

   Now, its time for the truth to come out and reveal the truth behind the conspiracy, bully and suicide. I know the secrets and cause behind such things because I am also experiencing it, and as I am the appointed of God, if not alone but one of the appointed, God helped, saved and protect me and let me know the secrets. You can learn that I am one of them, who are being conspired, bullied and isolated from my previous posts, 'Conspiracy: What Have I Done?' Before I made that post and before I know more things I've also posted, 'My Apologies to God and the World.' because of the conspiracy, bullies and a bit or more of isolation.

   Since, we are living in the last of the times, Satan is working so hard through his human followers called Satanic. These Satanic are our own fellow men who pray or worship Satan directly and obey Satan's commandments or order.
   So, these Satanic people goal is to remove anything including their fellow human beings that can or could block Satan's and their way. They would try to make a person (their target) commit suicide, they would also try to turn a normal person to an insane person, if they can't they would even try to kill him/her who Satan wanted to kill. 

   To fulfill these things, Satanic people would conspires against their target, gossip about him and spread exaggerated false rumors around their target place and influence, to stir their friends and people around him/her including their relatives. And, they always follow their target wherever their target goes regardless of distance and places until they fulfill their evil goal, which are to turn their target an insane person or kill him/her in anyway possible. This is because they want their target go to hell and not or before he/she is bornagain in Jesus Christ.

   These evil people called Satanic would use little or few mistakes or common things done by their target, add more stuff on it and make it large or spread it to the people around. They also make noise or unusual sounds and voices around the neighbours and where their target is walking or going to frighten their target.
   Sometimes, they are the one who make friendship with their target, then they help or make their target do some common thing which may includes, smoking, drinking, sex or whatever is possible and use that thing against the target who they have made as friend and let him do.

   But, I wondered why is the people so foolish and is easily manipulated? Why do they just believe any rumors without proving it and knowing the criminals and real secret plans of Satan and his followers Satan behind the scene? Anyway, as a human being many or the majority people, if not all, drink, smoke, have sex and may many people have nude or body parts photos on internet and other places, and what's the problem if someone do the same thing? One can see lots of porn movies and nude photos but do one gossip or conspires against those people who made that? Instead many many of us, if not all and except young children, would watch it with one's saliva dropping from the mouth and never complains. Sex desire is an inborn thing and sex is one of a natural human desire.
   Why are people like Amanda, Olivia and I were being avoided, hated and isolated? Its just because the evil people or Satanic gossip, spread rumors and conspires against us and the people can be so easily manipulated, deceived and threatened. From now on, let the world be brave, strong and wise, and let us seek for the truth. Until we find the real truth let us not sentence or punish or file a case against anybody.
   Don't we know its the people who gossip, spread rumors and conspires against others have a violence and criminal minds and they are the real criminals? Why should we follow or obey or believes them? Let us be wise and not be deceived and fooled by evil and fools.

   As there are Satanic in many of the world, if not all, regardless of churches, religions and occupations, they would even bribe some people with money to fulfill their evil goal or works, and they would even tell the people not to reveal the conspiracy or gossip (as it is wrong accusation and planned) and the plans to the target by taking or using some influential authority's name. 
   So, even some or many authorities, police and doctors would be involved in it because Satanic could be one's own brother, sister, friend, pastor or clergy man, fellow members, cousins, parents, doctors, police, government employee, ministers or any other people, if not at least they could raise hands together with the real Satanic as they could be deceived, bribed or threatened or in any other possible way. Anyway, Satanic, those who worship Satan are human beings, they have friends, children and occupation, so they could be one's own as stated above. The people who abuse their own children could also be Satanic.

   Since the people conspired by Satanic were exaggeratedly falsely accused, the Satanic people try their best to keep their false accusation from their target as long as possible, until they fulfill their goal. Sometimes, their target don't know on what they are being conspired and hated, eg. me.
   And, as many people are involved and those who are not involved are threatens from leaking it out the secrets or about the main conspirators, thus, their target become depressed if they were not strong in faith or bornagain in Jesus Christ. And at last some of them commit suicide as nobody believes or everybody they know were against them or raise their hands with or fear the threats of the Satanic people or group.
   And, since the people targeted by Satanic are mostly good hearted or humble people, who may also be God appointed or who would or could be bornagain in Jesus Christ in time, and since they do not know the evil heart, soul and mind of the Satanic, they would put the blame upon themselves just to save who they consider as friend, loved ones or instead of blaming others.
   Therefore, the reason or cause of such new suicide is Satanic, and the main conspirators are Satanic, and Satan as the head or their leader. The people who do things against Amanda and Olivia are also Satanic, and the main participant who let or assist Amanda and Olivia do the things that were publicized (were pre-planned by Satan and his followers Satanic) are either satanic or influenced or threatened by Satanic, which means they know the main conspirator.
   I am their target, I am bullied and conspired and I know what I am talking about from my own experience. I am so thankful to God my Father, our Father for allowing me to experience such conspiracy, bully and gossip, because now I can share about it with confidence.

   These group, Satanic would tell lies by spreading that Satan gives his followers or worshiper whatever they ask, eg. money, drugs, etc. and it is nicer or better to worship Satan than God as he help or bless his followers easily. But in reality, it is not, for God had said in the Bible, "By the sweat of your brow, you will produce food to eat until you return to the ground, because you were taken from it. You are dust, and you will return to dust." 3: 19 Genesis These Satanic or people who worship Satan do also need to work to have money, food or whatever they want.
   They were spreading such rumors because they wants to increase Satanic or Satan's followers so that they can totally control the world, because to increase Satanic is one of their goals and also to take control of the world.
   The way they could have money is that, they are corrupted and they would even steal money or whatever is possible if there is a chance. Even if they found a purse with money and ID cards in it, they would take the money and may never return the purse or pretend to be a good person and return the purse after they take all the money in it. So, the increase in Satanic is the reason that increase theft and corruption in this world. They are not the majority that is why they need to stir the people with their evil ideas but it seems they are also increasing.

   And, if God is not good, kind and generous, He would not easily and quickly help, protect and save me, His squandered son, in time. Instead, through the very hard and unusual experiences I am going through He increase my strength, courage and knowledge about Satanic and His great endless love and power which otherwise would I never achieve and know or discover. Yes, though I still am disobedient to Him and pray only when I needed Him, He stills help, protect, save and teach me for He is my Father, our Father who is omnipotent, perfect and full of love.

   These Satanic people are the one that increases girls on girls and boys on boys sex though that is common to lesbian and gay. That means sex is not the problem but the problem they bring or cause is their evil and violence causing mind and goals that stir the people around to gossip about, hate and conspires against their target, so that their target can go or be turned insane by their own hands using the power they receive from Satan or die in one way or another way, which includes the mob running over their target.

   I believe there are still lots of other people who are suffering the evil hands of Satanic as I am suffering, who are being conspired and bullied, and there may be such other similar video on youtube as Amanda and Olivia's. Since, life is so full of works and since Amanda and Olivia's youtube video would do the work for now as I did not zealously search for other similar video though there is still one I am checking but yet keeping it to complete checking it.
   Such people, or we don't need any medicine or medical treatment and we are not mentally ill or psychosis but to tell to the world we are normal people like others, and we were falsely accused and attacked by the evil and violence causing mind and people called Satanic.
   If we were so great a criminal or if we were not being falsely accused why was not a case filed against us? If proper investigation is taken, it would be proven that the evil, Satanic people are the real and great criminals. Knowing these thing, these evil, Satanic stir the people and let them punish and kill their own fellow human beings because they may not succeed but trap themselves the other way round.
   So, let the people know the foolish things they have done and let them do no more but turn wiser and impregnable to deceit and threats, at the least like Kolhte. If not, we would not even be comparable to dogs and that would be a great shame.

   We, the target of Satanic or conspiracy and bully, not only have human rights or needless to say about that but if we stand before judgement the false accuser, gossipers and conspirators are the one who would be sentenced and punished.

   Therefore, let the world know that there are new group called Satanic who tries to manipulate or control the world evilly and let us prevent it by helping those who are being conspired and bullied and stop conspiracy, bullies, gossip and rumors by making a law against conspiracy and bullies, gossip and rumors. No people should gossip about others and raise their hands with Satanic without proving the real truth, for 'Gossipers and conspirators destroys peace and love, they are the evil and violence causing people.'
   Let the authorities, peoples and individuals of the world be aware of the new and secret group called Satanic and let us not be manipulated or controlled by these false accusers, deceiver, evil and violence causing people, by the followers of the Devil also known as Satan, the Evil and father of all Crime and Sins.

   Since, I am one of the people who are the target of Satan and his followers Satanic, I know these things and thus I writes about it. 
   So, I am here to stand with and for others who are experiencing unusual things and treatment as Amanda, Olivia and I have experienced. Feel free to contact me at or on my mobile phone +91 9873733462 for assistance on how to deal or handle the situation or share knowledge to one another. This is what I was also talking about on my free service offer page.
    If you need a friend I am here for the needy, we can add one another on twitter, facebook, google+ etc. I can found me with my name. If you also need a place to stay we can manage it together, I am always open to help others, for that is what I am appointed at: to help the world in the knowledge or wisdom and actions. Yes, I am appointed to proclaim the Truth that God gives me to the world, and though I am a squandered son I will keep on proclaiming the Truth I know, for that is my principle which I was taught and was grown in me by God my Father, our Father in Heaven.
   Let us, let the world come together to make a better world or at least try.

   But, though I am still a disobedient son of God like many other people let me share: the best way to overcome Satan and these Satanic people and their treatments is to be bornagain in Jesus Christ, which I've posted too long ago when I was with God.

   Fear not, nothing can kill you without God's will, so never commit suicide or kill yourself because that's what Satan and Satanic wants so that there can be no case against them that punished them, that's how Satan and his followers Satanic will defeat and have you, that's how or one of the way one cannot enter the Kingdom of God but easily to hell.
   Knowing these, a new hope came to me that when God say its time, God's people will raise up some people from death before the end of the world, before Jesus Christ come.
   I also pray that Amanda and Olivia and all other people like them be raised from death as they know not what attacked them and how to deal, and may be know not what they are doing. Yes, so that they can also be saved by grace in the blood of Jesus Christ, enters the Kingdom of God and have Eternal Life. I really wish and hope for that and I am looking forward to it, and I wish, pray and hope I am the one who God use to raise them up from death.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Monday, December 3, 2012

For Kolhte My Love, for Kolhte My Love

   Today, let me post for my dearest friend Kolhte.

As one can see the front toes, the color around its rear toes are also white.

   I have wanted to make a post for it long ago and had written few things down about it several times. But today the spirit to make a post for Kolhte is in me in time, not as I want but as the power that help me want a better thing for it as always for things. And, that's what I want. So, I am not going to write formally about Kolhte but as the way which you can discover:

I had a dog once, which I bought with debt,
His name is Kolhte, which literally means little danger.
But, the real meaning of the language is dear danger.

When I wanted to hug him, I call him,
'Deardanger, come and let's hug.'
When I wanted to feed him, I call him,
'Deardanger, come and eat your food.'

When I needed help, I call him,
'Deardanger, help me.'
When I wanted to play, I call him,
'Deardanger, let's play.'

I wanted to be with him, my Deardanger more,
But time has separated us, time of misfortune.
I wanted to see, meet, hug and kiss him more,
But time has taken him away, time of untimely end.

*Today, I missed him so much,
Because I am alone.
My heart fell so deep that I could feel it with my soul,
I could not stop the tears that fell on my hand and sleeve.
**I know how others would so engaged about it,
At me and my Deardanger matter.
But I am just being so touched by love,
And why should I fear with and in love.

*The truest and inseparable most faithful friend,
Threat and deceit impregnable friend, better than an earthly spouse, partner or friend,
When have death taken you my love, my friend? Why have death taken you my love, my friend?
No one would understand your lonely isolated friend.
**Rather everyone would be happy at his misfortune,
And laugh at the condemned soul and increase his tears without shame.
They have lose humanity and truth, the Devil had devoured them,
And no soul is left in them anymore, that have a piece of love.

The soul of man weep not at the stone they throw at him,
But at the feeling of sympathy for their lost souls.
For, the soul of the Evil that devour them is now their soul,
Needless to say they also lost the real meaning of love at the same instant.

Awww.., this world is a lost world!
This world have lost humanity and Truth.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

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