There was One King, and One King was more than enough to rule over the Land, His land.
Then, for the second time The Kind decided to give gift or reward in life time to the people of His land and send the Message: "Let all come and take his own reward and become rich."
To receive and take the rewards of The King, men of all kinds came, including the wise and foolish, good and evil, rich and poor, honest and dishonest, condemned and uncondemned and fighter in the appointed place. But before they were given their rewards they have to say their own story.
The first was The Wise, Good, Rich, Honest, Fighter and condemned who had been in the most beginning and stood before The King. The Wise said, “My Father, my Lord, You know me well and that I’m willing to do as You Will too. Therefore, make me and mold me and let me do as You Will.”
That made The Father King filled with unimaginable contentedness, joy and happiness and replied, “My Son who make me please and happy, You did, do and will continue to be as I Will. Sit in My Right Hand My Son, I will make you The King over all My Land.”
It was about that time that the Fool, Evil, Poor, Dishonest, fighter and uncondemned came with all his power and said, “I want your kingdom.”
The Father King was filled with unimaginable anger and handed him a thick steel plate with a deep writing in it that reads, “Hell.”
Later the Fool came and asked, ‘My King I want to live in a land where you don’t rule.’
The King’s heart was broken, then laughed but felt anger at the fool’s words and hand him a stone plate with a writing in it that reads, “Death.”
The Fool felt sad, “But I don’t want that.”
“Seek wisdom,” comes The Reply.
The Fool’s eyes were moving around in lost but at that moment the Wise leaned and murmured in his ears, “He is Our Father and He is Wisdom, asked Him and He will give you freely.” But the Fool went away with the Stone.
All were they, few seek wisdom.
Next was the wise but fool, honest, fighter and condemned, saying, 'My Father, my Lord, You know me very well but I want to live both in the lands where You rule and don’t but only for Your Name's Glory.'
The King laughed heartily but with a broken heart, “Oh the wise fool is the great joker. My son you know what to do and what comes after deeds, now go but I will be with you.”
The Rich
The rich came on the fifth and tell his story to The King, how he became rich and that he was still working on to become richer. He also said that many beggars came to him and he can’t help them all though some among them he helped, but that he kept many money in the safe.
The King nodded his head and gave the rich a huge box of gift, his reward and let him go home.
Another rich came and asked The King, 'My Lord, Most High, Respected and Glorious Majesty I asked that my shares of reward be given to the poor,' he point the poor next to him.
Then The King asked, "What will be of your riches back there?"
The rich replied, "Let it be and do it as Your Will only for Your Name’s Glory."
The King was filled with happiness as He opened His Arms, "Stay in My Land as long as you wish, wise and generous like you will always stay in My Land." Thus this saying comes to pass, "Blessed are the generous rich, for their's is the kingdom of God."
The Poor
Next was the poor who have nothing, and he tell his story to The King: 'I'm no different, I born naked but now I have a place to call home, I have lands and attractive partner.'
The King smiled as He knew the poor was just lying but have nothing in reality. So The King give him a small box of gift, his reward and let him go home too.
The King knew everything about them before they come before Him as he had sent His Men to record every second of life of all people on His Land from water. And He knew them like His palm, every little thing of everything.
Another poor came but humble one, and The King's eyes was filled with tears and wide opened His Arms, "Stay in My Land and grow rich and high, there will be no one rich and high like you." Thus, this saying comes to pass, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
The Fighters
A fighter came and tell his story to The King: 'sometimes I went as a spy and other times I fight and kill my enemies to protect my country.'
The King sighted as He give him two stones of gift, his reward which were glued to each other and there was writing in it that reads, ‘hammer me.’ And then let him go.
Another fighter came and tell his story to The King, “Lord I do not conquer the lands of the Evil as much as I should. I do not preach the Gospel everywhere and am not a fruitful servant.”
But The King wide opened His Arms as He said to the fighter, “Rest in the House of your Savior forever and ever.” Thus, this saying, Words of Wisdom comes to pass, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest..."
The Honest
Next was the honest, and he tell his story to The King accordingly to his life, not hiding his sins but begged for mercy as he acknowledge, confide and confess his sins.
Then The King wide open His Arms and hugged the honest as He said, 'A heart like My Heart, come and live in My House.' Thus, this saying comes to pass, 'Blessed are the honest, for they will live in the House of the Lord.'
The Condemned
The condemned came before The King and all eyes was on him, and he too tell his story to The King, why and how he was condemned and knocked out, and that he deserve it for he is a sinner, and begged Him His mercy.
The King was so happy at the condemned that His happiness can be seen as He hugged and kissed the condemned, "Come My son, as all eyes were on you, you will judge all eyes. Sit in my court as one of the judge."
Thus, this saying comes to pass, "Blessed are the condemned in righteousness, for they will judge their own 'Fellow men the wicked, lovers of violence and injustice."
Another condemned came before The King and all ears was on him, and he tell his story to The King too, 'Lord, punish them too, they are no different than me.'
The King looked at the condemned with A Serious Eyes as He raised His Right hand and showed His Finger to approve him that he said a Truth, and give him a heavy wooden box of gift as his reward.
Gift the Reward in Life Time Opened
The Rich Reward
When the greedy and tightfisted rich, the dishonest poor, the worldly fighter spy and the condemned reached their own place, they began to open the gifts, the rewards they received. Their neighbors were gathering in eager to see the gifts, the life time rewards of The King.
The rich opened his box and found that it was full of newspapers, news of the poor and needy and in the end on the middle he found a blank piece of paper but on other side there was a writing, and that reads, "Be a blessing to others, your own fellow men. Be their food, water, helper and place of refuge or else nakedness is yours."
Such are many.
The Poor Reward
The dishonest poor, the liar opened his small box with great expectation.
The inner of the small box was soft as it was made with sponge, and on it was a thumb size transparent rectangular object in red color like a sweet candy. He thought it was a ruby and for a second his heart was filled with joy, and his neighbors were also felt jealous of him until a young boy exclaimed, “There is a writing in it.’
When the poor examined it nearer, the writing reads, “The opposite is yours. While you eat this sweet think about your riches and enjoy your riches.”
The poor wanted to throw the sweet in the face of The King if he could but could not nor dare, he was filled with shame as well as anger, then decided to throw away the crystal sweet until someone suggested, ‘Why don’t you just give a try? Who knows it would give you knowledge to secret treasures?’
‘You are right, what harm would it bring, its just a sweet,’ said the poor and eat the crystal sweet.
Then he was taken to deep thoughts, and he have deeper perception of his current life and the future. He have no riches at all to think about nor to enjoy it but poverty filled life and still severe death lie in wait for him.
It was and is easy to lie but hard to accept the fact, and he was filled with worries.
Since he lied, he got the opposite of his lies.
Since he thought he was rich, he got the opposite of riches.
The crystal was sweet in his mouth but bitter in his stomach.
Such are many but only few got back to the king with a changed life.
When one got back to The King and relate his story honestly and that he was just a liar and poor The King gave him the other opposite.
The Fighter Reward
The worldly fighter and spy was surrounded by his neighbors in eager to know what gift, what reward was that as he was ready to hammer the glued twin stone with a five kilograms hammer.
When the fighter hammered the glued twin stone, it does not split the stone but produced a voice instead of striking sound, ‘Spy for spy, blood for blood, life for life.’
‘What’s that? Maybe someone among the guest said it,’ thought the fighter and hammered the glued twin stone harder, but the strike does not split the stone but continued to produce and that too in a louder and clearer voice, ‘Spy for spy, blood for blood, life for life.’ ‘What the f*** is that?’ said the worldly fighter spy as the neighbours laughed at that and challenged the fighter, ‘Don’t deny it, it’s the gift, the reward of The King that says it,’ while some says, ‘he can’t break the glued twin stone.’ Others says, ‘The stones are talking about him.’
The fighter was feeling a bit shame but felt reluctance to give up and took the challenge, hammered the glued twin stone more harder than the previous, and the stone produced the same voice but in a more louder and clearer voice, ‘Spy for spy, blood for blood, life for life.’ It was clear of him and he have no more courage to hammer the glued twin stone as he was filled with self-knowledge as well as shame. But whenever he hammer it again with a new courage, the same voice continue to say the same words.
Such were many.
The Condemned Reward
The condemned, to whom all ears were on opened the wooden box of gift, his reward.
It was empty but when it was opened, immediately a song was played that goes, ‘Repent, the wages of sin is death!’
Let me check it again thought the condemned and open it for the third time but it produce and the same song was played, ‘Repent, the wages of sin is death!’ and he ended up with anger, ‘Shit fu**, sh**, sh**, fu**, fu**.’
And whenever he opened it, the same voice continued to sing the same words.
All were they, few returned,
All wanted to be rich, few got riches, true riches.
Yet, all are welcomed.
Eyes should not be widened when read the word 'fuck,' for everything is recorded in written.
Thus, this Prophecy is coming to pass:
'Behold, they say unto me, Where is the word of the Lord? let it come now.
As for me, I have not hastened from being a pastor to follow thee: neither have I desired the woeful day; thou knowest: that which came out of my lips was right before thee. - Jeremiah 17'
And also the dual Prophecy:
'I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: - Psalm 78'
Then, for the second time The Kind decided to give gift or reward in life time to the people of His land and send the Message: "Let all come and take his own reward and become rich."
To receive and take the rewards of The King, men of all kinds came, including the wise and foolish, good and evil, rich and poor, honest and dishonest, condemned and uncondemned and fighter in the appointed place. But before they were given their rewards they have to say their own story.
The first was The Wise, Good, Rich, Honest, Fighter and condemned who had been in the most beginning and stood before The King. The Wise said, “My Father, my Lord, You know me well and that I’m willing to do as You Will too. Therefore, make me and mold me and let me do as You Will.”
That made The Father King filled with unimaginable contentedness, joy and happiness and replied, “My Son who make me please and happy, You did, do and will continue to be as I Will. Sit in My Right Hand My Son, I will make you The King over all My Land.”
It was about that time that the Fool, Evil, Poor, Dishonest, fighter and uncondemned came with all his power and said, “I want your kingdom.”
The Father King was filled with unimaginable anger and handed him a thick steel plate with a deep writing in it that reads, “Hell.”
Later the Fool came and asked, ‘My King I want to live in a land where you don’t rule.’
The King’s heart was broken, then laughed but felt anger at the fool’s words and hand him a stone plate with a writing in it that reads, “Death.”
The Fool felt sad, “But I don’t want that.”
“Seek wisdom,” comes The Reply.
The Fool’s eyes were moving around in lost but at that moment the Wise leaned and murmured in his ears, “He is Our Father and He is Wisdom, asked Him and He will give you freely.” But the Fool went away with the Stone.
All were they, few seek wisdom.
Next was the wise but fool, honest, fighter and condemned, saying, 'My Father, my Lord, You know me very well but I want to live both in the lands where You rule and don’t but only for Your Name's Glory.'
The King laughed heartily but with a broken heart, “Oh the wise fool is the great joker. My son you know what to do and what comes after deeds, now go but I will be with you.”
The Rich
The rich came on the fifth and tell his story to The King, how he became rich and that he was still working on to become richer. He also said that many beggars came to him and he can’t help them all though some among them he helped, but that he kept many money in the safe.
The King nodded his head and gave the rich a huge box of gift, his reward and let him go home.
Another rich came and asked The King, 'My Lord, Most High, Respected and Glorious Majesty I asked that my shares of reward be given to the poor,' he point the poor next to him.
Then The King asked, "What will be of your riches back there?"
The rich replied, "Let it be and do it as Your Will only for Your Name’s Glory."
The King was filled with happiness as He opened His Arms, "Stay in My Land as long as you wish, wise and generous like you will always stay in My Land." Thus this saying comes to pass, "Blessed are the generous rich, for their's is the kingdom of God."
The Poor
Next was the poor who have nothing, and he tell his story to The King: 'I'm no different, I born naked but now I have a place to call home, I have lands and attractive partner.'
The King smiled as He knew the poor was just lying but have nothing in reality. So The King give him a small box of gift, his reward and let him go home too.
The King knew everything about them before they come before Him as he had sent His Men to record every second of life of all people on His Land from water. And He knew them like His palm, every little thing of everything.
Another poor came but humble one, and The King's eyes was filled with tears and wide opened His Arms, "Stay in My Land and grow rich and high, there will be no one rich and high like you." Thus, this saying comes to pass, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
The Fighters
A fighter came and tell his story to The King: 'sometimes I went as a spy and other times I fight and kill my enemies to protect my country.'
The King sighted as He give him two stones of gift, his reward which were glued to each other and there was writing in it that reads, ‘hammer me.’ And then let him go.
Another fighter came and tell his story to The King, “Lord I do not conquer the lands of the Evil as much as I should. I do not preach the Gospel everywhere and am not a fruitful servant.”
But The King wide opened His Arms as He said to the fighter, “Rest in the House of your Savior forever and ever.” Thus, this saying, Words of Wisdom comes to pass, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest..."
The Honest
Next was the honest, and he tell his story to The King accordingly to his life, not hiding his sins but begged for mercy as he acknowledge, confide and confess his sins.
Then The King wide open His Arms and hugged the honest as He said, 'A heart like My Heart, come and live in My House.' Thus, this saying comes to pass, 'Blessed are the honest, for they will live in the House of the Lord.'
The Condemned
The condemned came before The King and all eyes was on him, and he too tell his story to The King, why and how he was condemned and knocked out, and that he deserve it for he is a sinner, and begged Him His mercy.
The King was so happy at the condemned that His happiness can be seen as He hugged and kissed the condemned, "Come My son, as all eyes were on you, you will judge all eyes. Sit in my court as one of the judge."
Thus, this saying comes to pass, "Blessed are the condemned in righteousness, for they will judge their own 'Fellow men the wicked, lovers of violence and injustice."
Another condemned came before The King and all ears was on him, and he tell his story to The King too, 'Lord, punish them too, they are no different than me.'
The King looked at the condemned with A Serious Eyes as He raised His Right hand and showed His Finger to approve him that he said a Truth, and give him a heavy wooden box of gift as his reward.
Gift the Reward in Life Time Opened
The Rich Reward
When the greedy and tightfisted rich, the dishonest poor, the worldly fighter spy and the condemned reached their own place, they began to open the gifts, the rewards they received. Their neighbors were gathering in eager to see the gifts, the life time rewards of The King.
The rich opened his box and found that it was full of newspapers, news of the poor and needy and in the end on the middle he found a blank piece of paper but on other side there was a writing, and that reads, "Be a blessing to others, your own fellow men. Be their food, water, helper and place of refuge or else nakedness is yours."
Such are many.
The Poor Reward
The dishonest poor, the liar opened his small box with great expectation.
The inner of the small box was soft as it was made with sponge, and on it was a thumb size transparent rectangular object in red color like a sweet candy. He thought it was a ruby and for a second his heart was filled with joy, and his neighbors were also felt jealous of him until a young boy exclaimed, “There is a writing in it.’
When the poor examined it nearer, the writing reads, “The opposite is yours. While you eat this sweet think about your riches and enjoy your riches.”
The poor wanted to throw the sweet in the face of The King if he could but could not nor dare, he was filled with shame as well as anger, then decided to throw away the crystal sweet until someone suggested, ‘Why don’t you just give a try? Who knows it would give you knowledge to secret treasures?’
‘You are right, what harm would it bring, its just a sweet,’ said the poor and eat the crystal sweet.
Then he was taken to deep thoughts, and he have deeper perception of his current life and the future. He have no riches at all to think about nor to enjoy it but poverty filled life and still severe death lie in wait for him.
It was and is easy to lie but hard to accept the fact, and he was filled with worries.
Since he lied, he got the opposite of his lies.
Since he thought he was rich, he got the opposite of riches.
The crystal was sweet in his mouth but bitter in his stomach.
Such are many but only few got back to the king with a changed life.
When one got back to The King and relate his story honestly and that he was just a liar and poor The King gave him the other opposite.
The Fighter Reward
The worldly fighter and spy was surrounded by his neighbors in eager to know what gift, what reward was that as he was ready to hammer the glued twin stone with a five kilograms hammer.
When the fighter hammered the glued twin stone, it does not split the stone but produced a voice instead of striking sound, ‘Spy for spy, blood for blood, life for life.’
‘What’s that? Maybe someone among the guest said it,’ thought the fighter and hammered the glued twin stone harder, but the strike does not split the stone but continued to produce and that too in a louder and clearer voice, ‘Spy for spy, blood for blood, life for life.’ ‘What the f*** is that?’ said the worldly fighter spy as the neighbours laughed at that and challenged the fighter, ‘Don’t deny it, it’s the gift, the reward of The King that says it,’ while some says, ‘he can’t break the glued twin stone.’ Others says, ‘The stones are talking about him.’
The fighter was feeling a bit shame but felt reluctance to give up and took the challenge, hammered the glued twin stone more harder than the previous, and the stone produced the same voice but in a more louder and clearer voice, ‘Spy for spy, blood for blood, life for life.’ It was clear of him and he have no more courage to hammer the glued twin stone as he was filled with self-knowledge as well as shame. But whenever he hammer it again with a new courage, the same voice continue to say the same words.
Such were many.
The Condemned Reward
The condemned, to whom all ears were on opened the wooden box of gift, his reward.
It was empty but when it was opened, immediately a song was played that goes, ‘Repent, the wages of sin is death!’
‘What the f*** gift is that?’ said the condemned as he closed and open it again, the same song fill the air, ‘Repent, the wages of sin is death!’
‘What the fu**.....?’ shouted the condemned as he kicked the wooden box and looked up the skies with tight fists, and the box was closed.Let me check it again thought the condemned and open it for the third time but it produce and the same song was played, ‘Repent, the wages of sin is death!’ and he ended up with anger, ‘Shit fu**, sh**, sh**, fu**, fu**.’
And whenever he opened it, the same voice continued to sing the same words.
All were they, few returned,
All wanted to be rich, few got riches, true riches.
Yet, all are welcomed.
Eyes should not be widened when read the word 'fuck,' for everything is recorded in written.
Thus, this Prophecy is coming to pass:
'Behold, they say unto me, Where is the word of the Lord? let it come now.
As for me, I have not hastened from being a pastor to follow thee: neither have I desired the woeful day; thou knowest: that which came out of my lips was right before thee. - Jeremiah 17'
And also the dual Prophecy:
'I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: - Psalm 78'
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