Monday, February 18, 2013

Solution on How to End Crime Against Women

   Since I am on the website (and I love good cause), I got an email invitation, with the title 'I Am Rising', to sign a pledge in It was a good cause for worldwide women, since violence against women is a global issue, regardless of the countries or places where the incidences are high.

   The gang rape of a young woman in New Delhi which trigger great protests was probably the starting point for persistent demands for the end to violence against women especially in India.
   Such protest and demands for the end of such immoral, cruel and evil acts should be done where and whenever they are needed in the world. It should also be done with perseverance until the crime against women ends unless other means are found.

   But we got to know gender based threats, abuse, sexual harassment, molestation and rape, female genital mutations, sex-selective abortion, dowry and other related violence will simply not come to an end by just protests and campaigns against it. Because it will not remove discrimination and lack of respect towards women.
   The solution to end crime against women is not just protests or campaigns but change. So, here let us learn more about its solution, and share or contribute that which is lacking wherever possible and let us make them come true. Because crime against women is a threat to humanity.

   Crime against women can only be decreased and come to an end but  by acquiring the right knowledge, finding the right solution and taking the right steps. The right knowledge is to knowing the reason.
   I believe we know very well that it is discrimination and disrespect that give birth to crime against women in many forms. That's the main reason behind crime or violence against women.
   Therefore, to end all kinds of crimes against women, discrimination and disrespect against women must be removed.

   To end discrimination and lack of respect against women, injustice practices or customs and laws which are made out of superiority feelings and mentality must be removed, regardless of when and where they were established and what status had they earned in a culture, tradition or customs.
   Superiority or injustice practices and laws against women that represses their freedom of life and choice are many. Example, female genital mutation, forced prostitution, veil (as mandatory for women while it is not for men), forced marriage, dowry, enslavement, etc.
   Such injustice practices and laws do also resulted in not just inferior but more careless attitude and treatment against women and leads to, at worse, force treatment/violence, including force marriage and sex, suicide and  female infanticides.

   To end injustice practices and laws, superiority feelings against women must be removed. 
   No one is superior before righteous law, each and every human rights law would prove it well. 

   It should be well understood no man can be born without a woman, and vice versa, thus there is no such thing as superior even in nature. None of them can come to existence alone. Supportive to one another is required by both or there is no birth and no existence for both. Then, why should we question on who should act as superior? Why should there be injustice law and practice?

   Spreading such understanding education, or such kind of knowledge for understanding would do well, considering all humans have a sound mind.
   And one of the need of solution to end crime against women and all other crime is nothing more but a law of justice executed by law abiding souls .

   Below are few injustice practices and laws explained for understanding. It is necessary to bring harmony for humanity everywhere:    Dowry
   Demanding or expecting dowry as a necessary or customary act on marriage is injustice, and it is one of the main reasons of discrimination and lack of respect against women in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan and other countries where dowry related violence or crime is prevalent.
   It is likely that, since men of the past were so haughty upon women they introduce dowry system as custom.

   Gifts, not dowry, given to the groom and his family by the bride's family was an old practice, and many people could have done it with a hope that their daughter may be treated well and may not be divorced. That was likely one of the reason that gave birth to evil feelings of superiority against women and the idea of dowry system.
   Therefore, gifts should never be given with any hope for the safety of the bride, instead one should place more confidence upon ones own daughter, the bride but not in money, gifts, the groom and his family and whatever.

   And it should never be considered a dishonor to the family even if the groom divorces the bride, parents must always open doors for their children. Who knows where they have gone and what they have faced with or without choice? Anyway, women are the other half of men and they can absolutely remarry as men do.
   Gifts are acceptable but demanding dowry as a customary law on marriage is completely a foolish, greedy and evil act. But such kind of money, goods or gifts should be returned upon divorce.

   If dowry or its related acts are considered necessary the groom must moved in to and serve the bride and her family according to the bride, because it is more like groom's price or a comfort given to the groom's family.
   We know very well that anything which a customer bought in the market have become the customer's own property or hired one. If such way or example or both are illogical, then, dowry is totally illogical or false and inhumane practice.

   If none want the logical process mentioned no one should love and advocate for illogical and unnecessary practices, and no one should even brainwash others by cleverly manipulating or misinterpreting false and inhumane practices. After all, no matter whether it's arrange marriage, marriage should happen with and in love.

   Since dowry system has caused and increased dowry death in great numbers and it is illogical as explained, it is certain that not all kinds of dowry related violence but dowry itself is a crime as it has also been passed as crime by some, if not all the concerning governments and people.
   If a groom wanted his bride to go and live with him it is much much more appropriated that he give some gifts to the bride's family as a formal comfort for a decrease in a family member not the other way around unless he is willing and going to go and live with the girl wherever she wish.

   Equality and Arrange Marriage
   Crime against women is not yet eradicated because women are not given equality but treated as an inferior being. And where dowry is practiced, the inequality and treatment of inferiority against women  results in restraining their freedom and arranging their marriage by those who restrain their freedom.

   To end violence against women including dowry custom where it is prevalent, women must be given equality, and arrange marriage should not be a necessary law, custom or mandatory unless love is the law. They should be given such a humane freedom that they can decide when, where and who to marry by themselves unless they chose for arrange marriage. Therefore, arrange marriage should only exist as an option not as a law.
   Arrange marriage can exist with the consideration of importance but since dowry system is deeply rooted in the minds of those who practice it, arrange marriage needs to be noticed as unnecessary for human practice as long as dowry concerns. That's the only way to give equality to women where arrange marriage, and the only way to save them from dowry related violence.

   Sex Selective Abortion
   Though there have been prohibition act for dowry and women's rights activists campaigning for the end of dowry related violence, it is not successful because the women who will benefit from it does not take it to heart as their responsibility.
   Since dowry system practice does not end, dowry related violence continue to exist. That system give financial concern to the people who practice it, and that is one of the continuous reasons that leads to female infanticides or sex selective abortion among them.
   There are other reasons for female infanticides where dowry is not practiced but if it continues to be done, regardless of where sex selective abortion is practiced, it will absolutely extremely increase more violence against women and also between men.

   Veil and Female Genital Mutation
   Injustice practices and laws like dowry, veil, FGM, etc. are imposed on women if it can't be made acceptable through clever manipulation of it or brainwashed, and they barely fight against it unto death because they were also brain washed to think that they are weaker than men. Just because of that they continue to bear the pain of injustice practices and laws made by clever and selfish men.
   Yes, such kind of practices and laws are made for women in particular out of jealousy and selfishness, in other words one sided view without caring or without even a little thought of love for their equality, freedom and rights. When men live as they wish, why should not women live as they wish too, they are human beings too and they need to be free. As men would not want any injustice practices and laws against them, women do not want them too.
   No women were born with a veil, in fact nobody is born with clothes but we wear them according to our choice. Therefore, any kinds of veil, even dress which is imposed on women, or which is made as law and brainwashing others to follow that law is a foolish and inhumane practice. Let women decide what to wear, when and where, according to their choice.
   Female genital mutation is a cruel act, it is a crime unless women consented for it. Those who practice such things are foolish and they mean that they do not accept Nature's way of creation or originality, in other words God's creation. These things should also be ended at the earliest, women should also know that no one can impose any such kinds of cruel and painful law unless they wanted it.
   Therefore, let all the women come together as one to break free from their chain and become normal human, as equal as men, their counterpart.
   After all, the secret of strength and success for the whole is unity as the saying, 'unity is strength.'

   Unless women consented to wear veil or undergo genital mutation, it should never be done. We should know it is a crime, even if it is not considered a crime, a new law should be made so that everyone knows that forcing women or any other person is a crime.

   United Women Organization
   This is the most important and necessary thing to be done by women if they really want to end all the violence and crime which we don't think as crime or injustice acts, practice and laws against them. They should know ending such thing would be their own benefit, and they should be the first and most active people to fight for such end. After all, he wants success fight for his own success, no one can achieve success for him.
   Anyway, we should know that our trouble is our own, and no one would fight for us as much as we can fight for ourselves, instead everyone would rather go against us, hope for our down fall and even works toward it.

   By observing at the past we learn that women are no less weaker nor inferior than men. Its just that they are equal to men but different in one or the other or both ways, same but opposite in physical creation. There are occasion where they can do and even do what men cannot do. First, it was a woman (Eve) and followed by man (Adam) by choice (as he loved woman more than God) who took humanity to this imperfect world from the perfect world Eden, she was no less a soul than man to take a man or others where she had or wanted to go. A woman was also the one who saved Pilate and made innocent (which we will see in the judgement, in Heaven before God the Father of you and me) from joining and defiling his hands to shed the blood and take the life of Jesus Christ the omni innocent and perfect in all ways. It is also said that behind great men there are great women. Now, its time to lead back men to the new world which is coming.
   The consideration of women as weaker soul and feeling of superiority against them is just a foolish, lame and one sided observation or view.
   Therefore, it is not what men do upon them that only matters but their confidence on equality and power they possess. They lost that for a while and that is why evil men easily impose on or brainwash them with injustice practices and laws. But now its time to have that confidence again. They become the victim of men's cruel feeling of superiority against women that resulted in discrimination, lack of respect against women, discriminative or injustice laws and crime and violence against them.

   There are women's rights activist, there are also law against violence but we know very well that they are not so successful in ending not only all the crime but also violence against women in some way.
   Therefore, truly the most important thing and only hope for the end of crime against women and for equality is a world wide organization of united women. Women's or human rights activist should assist the organization in bringing justice for all kinds of women, even find out the criminal who commit a crime against any particular or whatever member of the united women organization and give it to justice.

   The organization leaders should be established wherever women resides, let it be villages, towns, cites and even spaces. It should be world wide, every girls and women must be registered in it or they must register themselves. In any place where there are enough people to make up a group of leaders, they must select them out every year to lead their fellow women of the particular area.
   There should be country, town, city, national, regional, international level leaders. Women meetings should be held every week in every villages, towns, cities etc. for education on law, support and comfort and assurance of security and support. Even their husband or whoever really wanted to assist them may join them too. Let them even put signs that bear their name in their outer wall so that whoever walk before it may see and realize that they are equal to men and respect them.
   Good connections should be established between organizations of countries and towns, towns and cities, countries and countries. Any particular member should be able to contact any other organization of any area whenever she finds that her area leaders does not help, want or avoid to help her. This is necessary for any particular member who would face a problem with her area leaders, and also necessary for the higher area leaders so that they can find out the evil leaders or member and remove or judge them immediately.

   Unless women of the world unite and make practices and laws according to them since no men do, they will never find justice. Because superiority feelings against and lack of respect against women had penetrate its root so deep that only united women organization that brings together all the women of every villages, towns, cities, and nations, of the world can only do and bring out justice for themselves. That's the hope and solution, and the way of freedom from crimes against women for women, and men who don't like such crimes.
   Death toll of domestic violence, dowry death toll and any other death toll against women will rapidly fall even lower than men and will also decreased men death toll. It is really shocking to know that dowry death toll only in India alone India alone is more than 95000, accounting for more than 30% of crime against women in the country. It is really shocking to know that billions of female suffered violence every year, millions every month. But that crime against women can be ended by billions of women, all the women. Every woman just need to come together, stand together for and take their rights and equality as human beings. After all, no man can live without woman because they cannot do everything without them, then why not show men your worth, capability and power.

   This organization is the only way women can and will collect information on crime done against them and work to execute justice faster than any organization will do for women. It will even end FGM, SSA, dowry, its related violence and any crime against women and make arrange marriage as option. It will end the attitude of disdain, hatred or inferiority for women, establish respect, equality and freedom for themselves and take the world to new age.
   Those things are what men cannot do but women, we know that well as it has been in men's hands but it had never come to pass in the whole world.
   That is the only way to end superiority feelings and change negative mental attitudes against women. It must be ended because the consideration of women as weaker soul and feeling of superiority upon them give birth to injustice practices and laws, and that increase discrimination and lack of respect toward women. Then, that leads to all kinds of unwanted treatment and crime and violence against women.

   What a great leap would it be for women to live in a ground where men have treaded and already made old and worn out, to walk in the ground of equality. I can't imagine. Yes, all the women organizations must come together or joining ones hands as one for their own cause, and all other matured women from those who had passed their puberty to old and married must, even children and men those who believe in and wish for their other halfs' rights.
   I am here for you too, the squandered son, to bring justice for you as written in the book of old, fear not, be strong, for my Father, your Father, yes Our Father had said about it Who hold my hand.

   The united women can and will even elect people of their choice and win the election to look after them and their homeland.
   They should even bring an end to evil social religious classes which segregate some minority group as untouchable in the society, if they want to enjoy long and lasting respect, equality and freedom, because they who want equality must give equality to all or else their success will not last long.
   There are foolish people who consider some of their own fellow human as untouchable because they have discriminating mind, that cannot bring equality. Therefore, united women should ignore such prejudice so that equality in all ways will be experienced.
   Anyway, from now on, let each and everyone of us know that any living things, except disabled ones, which have five fingers, five toes(no kidding), nose, mouth, eyes, ears, neck, body structure as ourselves, who can breath, talk, can be touch and die is our own fellow human beings and we are equal in the spirit.

   Let me rest from writing this one with a few saying in the form of poem, hope we all can say it out:

   But one thing I will advice you, women! 
   Don't false accuse others nor manipulate men.
   I know your ability so well,
   You can let men fall on your feet,
   But do not do it evilly, not even for evil purpose.
   Come, you who have dreams, 
   Fulfill your dreams,
   The time is right.
   You can shatter family,
   And you can even unite families.
   The making of the world is in your hands,
   As the making of a house is yours.
   The time is ripe, 
   Your time has begun.
   Remember, all those times,
   You are the power behind the scenes.
   Know your power but use it right.
   The time favors you,
   Your dream is before you, 
   It's your own and only yours.
   No one but you can achieve it.
   Don't misuse it nor over use it,
   Blessings upon you.

   You are an independent soul, a unique one,
   Do not let other misuse you as well.
   Your fight is not men but the negative thoughts, 
   Ideas, practices and laws imposed on you,
   Your freedom is in your hands.
   No one will fight for you in your spirit, 
   No one will climb the highest mountain,
   Or, go to the space for you.
   They can be with you, 
   But your freedom is in your hands!
   Your time has come,
   Fear not but be strong,
      Soar high and let your other celebrate with you.
The concern of one is the concern of the other and the Creator.
The happiness of both is the happiness of all.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

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