Friday, January 18, 2013

The Good and Bad Treasurers' Destinies

   There was a wise man who owned everything, for he was a king. He did not manage and supply his people directly but he appointed and divided that responsibility to many men. Among them he divided and give his money, or possessions. To some hundreds, to others thousands, and to others hundreds of thousands, millions, billions and even ones and tens to some of them. (as was here) Some of them were shop-keepers, others were businessmen, employees, farmers and so on.
   He had every kinds of creature in his land, he can exalt or raise up anyone he will, and humiliate or put down anyone he want. For, everything belongs to him and its his own. And he watched over them patiently and wait for the judgement days, but stopped the extreme of which he did not want it to happen by his authority.

   When his judgement days comes he would count among the in-charge of his money, the treasurers whether or not they have been a good hearted treasurers and supported others in their needs. All that he would look was whether or not they were generous, or have a good heart.
   If they were generous, he would be generous to them, if they had a good heart he would be good to them. If they are not, he would not be generous or good to them. For he know, if they cannot be trusted in small things for a short time, they cannot be rewarded and appointed forever.

   Because of that he let his faithful and true son revealed it to them in the parable of a steward and also of the servants and talents.

   Since, the steward in the parables was informed that his master the king was going to knock him out of his kingdom, he changed his way, his greediness, cruelty and selfishness to generousness, kindness and selflessness. Then, he do it righteously according to each man's needs, not only that but generously so that they may be a good witness for him. So that they may tell to the steward master the king that his steward or monetary, or goods in-charge was a good and able man.
   Doubtlessly, the master, the king of the steward came across such things and thus he forgave and continued to keep his steward. For, he was generous, kind and selfless though he had wasted his masters goods, or riches by being greedy, cruel and selfish.
   This is what Jesus Christ, the begotten Faithful and True Son of the Master of masters, the King of kings taught us in that parables.

   Likewise, surely the judgment days of the wise man the king will come to pass. 

   And if he see his appointed monetary in-charges, or treasurers, to whom he had divided and given his riches, were full of greed, cruelty and selfishness, he will knock them out of his employment and of his kingdom which is to come. And weeping and gnashing of teeth will be their share.
   Everyone have responsibility according to his status, the greater possessions you are given the greater responsibility you have.
   Look around you, there are lots of people who are waiting for your generosity, kindness and selflessness as you are, waiting for the fulfillment of the responsibility you have upon others.

   If you are not faithful in fulfilling the responsibility given unto you, you cannot be faithful in fulfilling greater responsibility.
   If you are not generous, kind and selfless in the riches you are given, the wise man the king will not give you true riches, that is eternal riches. (Proof) If you are not faithful in the property of the wise man the king, he cannot give your own life forever but punish in hell and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth and then at last take your life away forever. (Proof)

   Remember, no one can serve two master, that means no one can be both generous, kind and selfless, (a good treasurer) and greedy, cruel and selfish (a bad treasurer). For either you are generous, kind and selfless or you are greedy, cruel and selfish.
   God is righteous, generous, kind and selfless but Satan the devil is the love of money, possessions, treasures or riches and it is greedy, cruel and selfish. You cannot love both God and money, or possessions.

   Therefore, all ye who have life be generous, kind and selfless toward your own fellow men as you are and also to animals and all the living things around you. If you are good in fulfilling your responsibility, if you are generous, kind and selfless, in the end you will welcome all the righteousness. And you will be welcomed in the eternal kingdom of the Wise Man, the King of kings. (Proof)
  If you are faithful over few things, if you are generous, kind and selfless you will be put in charge of many things, that too eternal heavenly things and enter into the happiness of the king. (Proof)

   Thoughts for the day:

   # True knowledge is precious, even still more than gold.

   ##  Love is necessary but not education,

         But, since we have lost love,
         We have to be educated in love all over again.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

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