Friday, January 18, 2013

The Good and Bad Treasurers' Destinies

   There was a wise man who owned everything, for he was a king. He did not manage and supply his people directly but he appointed and divided that responsibility to many men. Among them he divided and give his money, or possessions. To some hundreds, to others thousands, and to others hundreds of thousands, millions, billions and even ones and tens to some of them. (as was here) Some of them were shop-keepers, others were businessmen, employees, farmers and so on.
   He had every kinds of creature in his land, he can exalt or raise up anyone he will, and humiliate or put down anyone he want. For, everything belongs to him and its his own. And he watched over them patiently and wait for the judgement days, but stopped the extreme of which he did not want it to happen by his authority.

   When his judgement days comes he would count among the in-charge of his money, the treasurers whether or not they have been a good hearted treasurers and supported others in their needs. All that he would look was whether or not they were generous, or have a good heart.
   If they were generous, he would be generous to them, if they had a good heart he would be good to them. If they are not, he would not be generous or good to them. For he know, if they cannot be trusted in small things for a short time, they cannot be rewarded and appointed forever.

   Because of that he let his faithful and true son revealed it to them in the parable of a steward and also of the servants and talents.

   Since, the steward in the parables was informed that his master the king was going to knock him out of his kingdom, he changed his way, his greediness, cruelty and selfishness to generousness, kindness and selflessness. Then, he do it righteously according to each man's needs, not only that but generously so that they may be a good witness for him. So that they may tell to the steward master the king that his steward or monetary, or goods in-charge was a good and able man.
   Doubtlessly, the master, the king of the steward came across such things and thus he forgave and continued to keep his steward. For, he was generous, kind and selfless though he had wasted his masters goods, or riches by being greedy, cruel and selfish.
   This is what Jesus Christ, the begotten Faithful and True Son of the Master of masters, the King of kings taught us in that parables.

   Likewise, surely the judgment days of the wise man the king will come to pass. 

   And if he see his appointed monetary in-charges, or treasurers, to whom he had divided and given his riches, were full of greed, cruelty and selfishness, he will knock them out of his employment and of his kingdom which is to come. And weeping and gnashing of teeth will be their share.
   Everyone have responsibility according to his status, the greater possessions you are given the greater responsibility you have.
   Look around you, there are lots of people who are waiting for your generosity, kindness and selflessness as you are, waiting for the fulfillment of the responsibility you have upon others.

   If you are not faithful in fulfilling the responsibility given unto you, you cannot be faithful in fulfilling greater responsibility.
   If you are not generous, kind and selfless in the riches you are given, the wise man the king will not give you true riches, that is eternal riches. (Proof) If you are not faithful in the property of the wise man the king, he cannot give your own life forever but punish in hell and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth and then at last take your life away forever. (Proof)

   Remember, no one can serve two master, that means no one can be both generous, kind and selfless, (a good treasurer) and greedy, cruel and selfish (a bad treasurer). For either you are generous, kind and selfless or you are greedy, cruel and selfish.
   God is righteous, generous, kind and selfless but Satan the devil is the love of money, possessions, treasures or riches and it is greedy, cruel and selfish. You cannot love both God and money, or possessions.

   Therefore, all ye who have life be generous, kind and selfless toward your own fellow men as you are and also to animals and all the living things around you. If you are good in fulfilling your responsibility, if you are generous, kind and selfless, in the end you will welcome all the righteousness. And you will be welcomed in the eternal kingdom of the Wise Man, the King of kings. (Proof)
  If you are faithful over few things, if you are generous, kind and selfless you will be put in charge of many things, that too eternal heavenly things and enter into the happiness of the king. (Proof)

   Thoughts for the day:

   # True knowledge is precious, even still more than gold.

   ##  Love is necessary but not education,

         But, since we have lost love,
         We have to be educated in love all over again.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Disobedient Prince and the Lost Children

  Once upon a time, among the descendants of the disobedient and lost son of a great good king of the great most highland, who ruled over all the highland and lowland, born and came as an ordinary man known as the disobedient son as all of them. The disobedient son had asked, 'Father, give me my share of your property. I desire to live like disobedient ordinary people of the lowland of yours.'

   The great good king tried to keep his son but his son was full of and could not free himself of his desire, he kept on begging his father. Then the great good king told his son that he have to go like ordinary man as he desire to live like his bad children, his disobedient princes and princesses of the low land. He can't take with him his royal robes, rings and sandals as did his elder brother, the blameless and savior of mankind. The younger son agreed and the great good king give his son what he asked in gold coins that bears his own, the great good king's seal.

   The younger prince went to the far away low land of his father and lived like the bad ordinary people there. He spend and freely distribute the golds as he wishes among the people of that land and he keep on telling the people that he is the disobedient younger son of the king who came after the only faithful and true begotten elder one, and that they themselves were just like him, the children, sons and daughters of the long lost disobedient son of the great good king himself. He tells them that the great good king has made us all with his power for he is omnipotent. He drink, eat and enjoy with men and women who the people on that land consider the lowliest.
   But, the people of the low land mocked at, disgust and hate him who came to live just like them and call him, 'A two face bearer, deceiver, the enemy and a great liar and an insane. See we do also have gold coins that bears the king's seal.' They disgust and hate their own kind.

   Despite the treatment of the low land people, the younger prince, knowing himself so truly would never stop proclaiming that his is the younger son of the king. As he keep on spending the gold coins of his father, he started spending the gold coins that the low land people had never seen.
   When the people of that land saw the new gold coins they have never seen, they questioned, 'What are this gold coins? Where do they come from?'
   The younger prince replied them again that it was from his father, their father the great king but the people would not listen and believe him.
   'This is fake, it comes from the evil enemy of the great king to deceive us, you are never the younger son of the great king. If you are then, where is your royal robes, rings, crown and sandals? Why are your friends the lowliest people among us?' they mocked.
   'Don't you see these are pure gold, and the seal of the great king. Nobody among you have one, I tell you that not even the highest people you consider among you possess it. Most of the gold coins you have were only mixed with copper and lead,' the young prince tried his best to make them believe.
   The people would repeat, 'You are a great liar, the most disgusting. Your gold comes from the evil enemy and they are totally fake. Don't you know the evil enemy do also have great knowledge and power.'
   'Have not I told you? The devil cannot know and do anything unless my great good king, your great good king will. Since, he have no power of his own, have he not attacked many innocent young people and even take their life for he was only allowed to know that someone will be coming around this time from the great good king. Have he not used you to attack me too and even tried to take my life. If you have known my father the king, you would have known me, or if you have loved him, you would have loved me too.'
   The people answered, 'We know the king so well more than you do,'
   'If you know him, then go and asked him about me and he will tell you that I am his bad son just like you people,' replied the prince.
   When the people heard that, they kept silent for nobody have seen the king and know him more than the disobedient son of the king himself, and nobody have the true spirit and determination to go in the far away great most highland to ask the great good king themselves. But since they don't want to be the wrong one, they replied, 'You go on yourself and come back with royal dresses, then only we will believe you.'
   The prince replied, 'I tell you, the few people who believe me through my father's gold coins will be more blessed in the days to come than you who do not have true spirit and determination to find about my great good king, your great good king our father and also me. He who listen and keep my gold is the one who gather the gold I give, he is not a fool but wise. Unless one is a fool, did one used to throw away gold? Is not gold mixed with the earth but the wise dig it and separate the gold from the earth? Or will the wise throw away and leave the earth that is mixed with gold? Will not he separate the gold from it? Therefore, be a wise man and take my gold, my father's, your father's, our father's gold freely and be a rich man.'
   The people continued to mocked at him, make fun of him and tells him, 'go away you mental, disgusting poor son of a widow,' without any sympathy for the younger prince and without caring how much he would have suffered.

   'Long before me my blameless good brother have come with one of his royal rings but the people in those times tell to him the same thing. I wonder how much our father, the great king would think about you people who do the same thing to his two sons of opposite characters. He will tell you, go to hell you who are worse than monkeys. Monkey does not see its dirty ass but other's. Yet, monkeys are better than you for they don't hate and disgust other monkey that have a dirty ass, though they don't see their own dirty ass but other monkey's.
   The people got annoyed, 'You are a two face person, doing bad things and saying about the great king,'
   The younger prince replied, 'Just look deep into yourself. Its you who have two face. You pretend to know the king but never keep his law, went to the gathering house of the people in the eyes of your neighbors but say and do bad things secretly, gossip about your neighbors, brothers and sisters, hate and even desire to kill and take other's life. You two faced people, unlike me you never claim you are bad, disobedient people but very good and honest people because you so care about what others will think and say about you.' The people kept silent as the disobedient son continued, 'How many times should I say I know and acknowledge that I am a bad son, a disobedient younger son of the great good king just like you. Is that the way of two faced? Nay, you are two faced. I tell you dogs are more worthy to have a place in the great high palace of the king than you two faced people. Had not my blameless and perfect brother tells you before me, when he came to die in place of us in the parables of 'the Pharisee who is a self-righteous or sanctimonious person but gossip about others, and the tax collector who acknowledge his own sins?' He had not only tell the people of that times but prophesied about all the two faced people before and after him who had and will come to exist till the end, when he will come again with great glory for judgement. I tell you that if you have no two face, if you acknowledge that you are no better but sinners, bad, or disobedient children of my father, your father, our father the great good king, it will be easier for you to truly know him, his only begotten faithful and true son and me.'

   'You are not only insane but disgusting, you say about the things that you don't follow,' the self-righteous people spit out their saliva against the younger prince with contempt, sometimes they don't even have the saliva to spit out but still they'd spit.
   The younger prince replied, 'You claim to be good men but contempt and spit against others of your own kind. Don't you know, don't you have the wisdom to know that's so evil and disgusting acts? Don't you know good men never disgust nor spit against others but love as their own brothers and sisters? You pretenders and disgusting who do not know that you are two faced and disgusting, unlike me who know myself and acknowledge that I am a disobedient son of our father the great good king. And you liars who pretend to be good and honest but tell lies, and you complain when I say the truth. Tell me is it better to pretend or to be truly as you are? Is it better to wear a sheep skin by a wolf and deceive others than to be appear as a wolf, as you are? Is it better to ignore the truth than to accept the truth regardless of who you are, wolf or sheep? Is it better to tell lies than to tell the truth? If you are true, good and honest, I know you will give me the right answer, and you will have more chance to see the great most high palace of the great good king.'
   The self-righteous, hypocrite people have nothing to say but the same thing, 'You disgusting person, die.'
   The younger prince continued, 'Give me the answer. If you don't dare to tell me the answer, if you give me the wrong answer I tell you, you are cowards and liars who dare not live as you are and tell the truth. Porn stars and self acknowledge prostitutes are braver and better than you for they dare to live as they are. And it is easier for them to accept and enter to the great most high palace of my, their, our father the great good king than you cowards, evil and two faced people. You deserved more 'yuck' than them, but since I am not like you I will not spit nor yuck against you but what I tell about who you are is enough to change you if you are good hearted and wise people.'

   Still, the people would not accept what the younger prince have told to reform them for their own benefits, 'We see no sign that the king would send you to us. Show us a sign that we may believe you.'
   'You will find no sign that you simply wish. The people of the past have also asked for sign to my brother, your brother, our brother who give his life for and saved the world forever. As he is the sign himself, I am the sign. When a sign appears or comes do you need another sign? Nay, all you need is a straight, right and good heart, soul and mind, a true, serious and dedicated spirit. Have you not read in the old book of the great good king our Father which was prophesied by his own messenger thousands of years ago:

   Therefore, my fellow brothers and sisters take heed now and keep the true knowledge of my great good king, your great good king, yes our great good king and let us call him father as we should and begin to obey him, keep his ten commandments and have the faith of Jesus my, your, our blameless brother from this moment lest we received his punishments. Remember, the people Israel who he have divided for they do not keep our Father's words and law nor accept his only begotten faithful and true son Jesus Christ our blameless brother.'
   The disobedient younger prince continued, 'One more thing will I tell you more, for signs you look for it. Soon, a time is coming when the true words of the great king will greatly be scarce like severe famine. Then, great war will follow. That will be the last chance of the times on which we can and must never fail to return in such time if we had not done it and keep and obey my, your, our father the great good king's words and law as I've written about them, please do remember that O my father's disobedient princes and princesses for your own benefits and salvation.'
   Hearing this the disobedient people, the princes and princesses, the children of the great good king still questioned but wondered, 'The only begotten son of the great good king was perfect in all ways but see you, you pass no test of the son of the great king.'
    The younger prince answered, 'The great good king looked into the heart not as you who look at the outer appearance. But, have I not tell you many a times that I am the bad, disobedient son who desires to live lavishly with my, your, our father the great good king's property. Anyway, if you have believed in and love my brother, your brother, yes our brother the only blameless saviour who had come before me, you would have believe and love me for he has prophesied about me through parables as it is written that he would open his mouth in parables. Still if you do not believe, then the great good king will say, 'I have sent you the good and blameless son of mine but you believe in him not, then I sent you the bad son of mine but you believe him not either not even my good and blameless one through him, what punishment do you deserve, it will never be small but so great that it has, is and will never come in the imagination of men, or the imagination of man can never imagine how great it will be until the time comes.'

Thoughts for the day:

God is Love,
Love is Truth,
Truth is Wisdom,
Wisdom is True Knowledge and Practice.
Wisdom is better than pure gold, even more than rubies, diamonds or anything else.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Jesus Christ's Birthday and New Year of God's People

   I believe most of us, if not all know that christmas, 25th December is not the birthday of Jesus Christ. So, I do not write the detail about how it is not Christ birthday but the reason which is more important. We can find lot of writings on the web which state that 25th December is not Jesus Christ birthday but not the reason why it is hidden.
   Nobody knows the exact birth day and year of Jesus Christ, not even historian nor it is recorded. Even if it was recorded the world will never recover it again. For, it is hidden for a reason as we may all know that 'everything happens for a reason' as Marilyn Monroe believed. We must not only say that quotes but learn to accept and keep it as we cannot let things unhappen or not happen.

   The reason why the birthday of Jesus Christ is hidden is that God does not will that His people waste their time in spending and celebrating the birthday of His only faithful and true begotten Jesus Christ in the last of the times. But, He wants His people to spread the gospel until the end so that many may come to repentance, believe in Jesus Christ His begotten Son and have eternal life, for the end is so near and it will come after Jesus Christ. And, the end is nearer than before, I am the witness.
   Jesus Christ do also wants His believers or followers not only to believe in Him but to spread the goodnews: that He died for the world and saved it, and to keep all His Commandments.
   Yes, Jesus never commanded that His followers to celebrate His birthday but to spread about Him and keep all His Commandment, and in His Commandments to spread the goodnews that save the whole world is already included.
   After all or it means, its not a time and there's no time to celebrate but to spread the gospel and save the lost souls. Its no a time and there's no time to enjoy and laugh but cry for the lost souls and teach them the truth lest they get lost forever and fall to hell in the end.

   Anyway, we found no written record of the birthday of Jesus Christ even in the Bible, then why should true Christ followers and anybody trouble themselves about the day unless they are being tempted and deceived by Satan the Devil, the Evil.
   It is foolishful to trouble ourselves with the things that we don't know. We must learn to accept the truth and admit that we don't know about it instead of arguing or debating over it. That's wiseful, and that's how wisemen are.
   Like children, we should not argue or debate on the things we do not know about, the things hidden by God but we should admit that we do not know and accept that it is hidden because it is not necessary for us to know and use it.

   It is foolishful to try to find or dig out the things that God has hidden, and consider it necessary or important when God consider it as unnecessary or not important. Its not only foolishful but sinful and disgusting in the Eyes of God if we continue to celebrate 25th for Christ birth though God overlooked such ignorance, the past and time of ignorance, but now he commands all people, everyone everywhere to repent, to turn to him and change the way they think and act.
   So, we the world have gone so astray and sins so much as we keep and spread the false birthday of Jesus Christ, and celebrated it instead of spreading the goodnews for the world and ask others to accept it and keep all the Commandments of Jesus, so that they can be forgiven and enter the Heaven of God by Grace.

   Of course, 25th December is not the birthday of Jesus Christ, it is just another temptation and deception of Satan.
   Many people have published about it already, but why do we still harden our hearts and call that 25th December is the birthday of Jesus?
   It is just because we are being tempted and deceived with nice and deceptive or easily acceptable words. But, from now on let us shake the cuffs of foolishness and deception from our neck and ignore 25th December as Jesus birthday or commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

   If we want to celebrate 25th December anyway, we can call it a Get Together Celebration day but not Christ birthday or its related things unless we are fools and unless we are Satan follower, worshiper or Satanic for, it is totally or complete false and it is one of the clever and Evil Satan's temptation and deception. It is better to be wise than fools, to be honest than dishonest, to consider 25th December as Get Together Celebration day than as Jesus birthday or like it.
   But for true Christ followers, they have not time for celebration for the kingdom of God is not yet completely establish, for the end is near. But to spread the gospel and keep the Commandments of Jesus and God.

   Likewise, the Julian and Gregorian Calendars are not Jesus followers' Calendars or God given Calenders, they are just Roman and Papal's Calendars. That is why the new year they brings with them are also against the new year God has given to His children.

   The beginning of the year that God want His children to count is written in Exodus 12 : 2, which is the first day of the month Nissan or Abib. He had given it again to Israel, His people of the past not just because He was going to saved them from out of Egypt but because the world has forgotten the true new year that begins from the creation of the human world.
   That means the new year of Israel people is the true new year which God Himself reveal and give it to men. Therefore, if the world is truthful the world will follow suit. True Christ followers will also not argue about it but accept and keep it, for its the word of God that comes from His own mouth.
   He who believe and have faith that Bible is the word of God will also not argue or ignore about it but pray and accept it with gratitude.
   Afterall, the true new year that God gave to men does not belong to Israel people only but to all those who love the Truth, who believe and have faith in God.
   Now we know the true new year of God people, so let us accept it and keep it as it should be. It is between March and April in modern common language or understanding or both.
   If we calculate God's people new year with the help of the current Israel people or true researchers we may find out the exact date. But, it seems the current Israel people have also forgotten the new year given to them by God as they have new calender which new year starts on September and they also use  Papal or Gregorian or Pope Gregory XIII Calendar widely according to wikipedia.

   God's first plan was to establish His Kingdom in this world through His faithful people kingdom, Israel people and spread the new year, His Commandments and about Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world. But, since Israel people were not faithful and did not listened to Him, they ignore His only begotten faithful and true Son Jesus Christ, the Messiah, God have to follow His second plan and tell the world the Truth about His begotten Son Jesus Christ and His commandments through His begotten Son Jesus's followers. Thus, this post comes to pass.
   But, any physical or earthly generation of Israel who accept these things and keep it, who accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah and only begotten faithful and true Son of God, is the true Israel. That also means, all who accept and keep the Faith of Jesus Christ and the Commandments of God are the true Israel (of the most last of the times) of God, which mean the Children of God.

   Let us not be like a child and fool anymore by arguing or debating and by trying to make the false as truth and wrong as right, let us be like adults and wisemen that accept the truth and keep truth as truth and false or wrong as false or wrong. That's the only way we can  have a bright or brighter future and destiny. That's the thoughts for the day and all the days that is to come. Let us be wise, and be blessed.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

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