Monday, January 7, 2013

Jesus Christ's Birthday and New Year of God's People

   I believe most of us, if not all know that christmas, 25th December is not the birthday of Jesus Christ. So, I do not write the detail about how it is not Christ birthday but the reason which is more important. We can find lot of writings on the web which state that 25th December is not Jesus Christ birthday but not the reason why it is hidden.
   Nobody knows the exact birth day and year of Jesus Christ, not even historian nor it is recorded. Even if it was recorded the world will never recover it again. For, it is hidden for a reason as we may all know that 'everything happens for a reason' as Marilyn Monroe believed. We must not only say that quotes but learn to accept and keep it as we cannot let things unhappen or not happen.

   The reason why the birthday of Jesus Christ is hidden is that God does not will that His people waste their time in spending and celebrating the birthday of His only faithful and true begotten Jesus Christ in the last of the times. But, He wants His people to spread the gospel until the end so that many may come to repentance, believe in Jesus Christ His begotten Son and have eternal life, for the end is so near and it will come after Jesus Christ. And, the end is nearer than before, I am the witness.
   Jesus Christ do also wants His believers or followers not only to believe in Him but to spread the goodnews: that He died for the world and saved it, and to keep all His Commandments.
   Yes, Jesus never commanded that His followers to celebrate His birthday but to spread about Him and keep all His Commandment, and in His Commandments to spread the goodnews that save the whole world is already included.
   After all or it means, its not a time and there's no time to celebrate but to spread the gospel and save the lost souls. Its no a time and there's no time to enjoy and laugh but cry for the lost souls and teach them the truth lest they get lost forever and fall to hell in the end.

   Anyway, we found no written record of the birthday of Jesus Christ even in the Bible, then why should true Christ followers and anybody trouble themselves about the day unless they are being tempted and deceived by Satan the Devil, the Evil.
   It is foolishful to trouble ourselves with the things that we don't know. We must learn to accept the truth and admit that we don't know about it instead of arguing or debating over it. That's wiseful, and that's how wisemen are.
   Like children, we should not argue or debate on the things we do not know about, the things hidden by God but we should admit that we do not know and accept that it is hidden because it is not necessary for us to know and use it.

   It is foolishful to try to find or dig out the things that God has hidden, and consider it necessary or important when God consider it as unnecessary or not important. Its not only foolishful but sinful and disgusting in the Eyes of God if we continue to celebrate 25th for Christ birth though God overlooked such ignorance, the past and time of ignorance, but now he commands all people, everyone everywhere to repent, to turn to him and change the way they think and act.
   So, we the world have gone so astray and sins so much as we keep and spread the false birthday of Jesus Christ, and celebrated it instead of spreading the goodnews for the world and ask others to accept it and keep all the Commandments of Jesus, so that they can be forgiven and enter the Heaven of God by Grace.

   Of course, 25th December is not the birthday of Jesus Christ, it is just another temptation and deception of Satan.
   Many people have published about it already, but why do we still harden our hearts and call that 25th December is the birthday of Jesus?
   It is just because we are being tempted and deceived with nice and deceptive or easily acceptable words. But, from now on let us shake the cuffs of foolishness and deception from our neck and ignore 25th December as Jesus birthday or commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

   If we want to celebrate 25th December anyway, we can call it a Get Together Celebration day but not Christ birthday or its related things unless we are fools and unless we are Satan follower, worshiper or Satanic for, it is totally or complete false and it is one of the clever and Evil Satan's temptation and deception. It is better to be wise than fools, to be honest than dishonest, to consider 25th December as Get Together Celebration day than as Jesus birthday or like it.
   But for true Christ followers, they have not time for celebration for the kingdom of God is not yet completely establish, for the end is near. But to spread the gospel and keep the Commandments of Jesus and God.

   Likewise, the Julian and Gregorian Calendars are not Jesus followers' Calendars or God given Calenders, they are just Roman and Papal's Calendars. That is why the new year they brings with them are also against the new year God has given to His children.

   The beginning of the year that God want His children to count is written in Exodus 12 : 2, which is the first day of the month Nissan or Abib. He had given it again to Israel, His people of the past not just because He was going to saved them from out of Egypt but because the world has forgotten the true new year that begins from the creation of the human world.
   That means the new year of Israel people is the true new year which God Himself reveal and give it to men. Therefore, if the world is truthful the world will follow suit. True Christ followers will also not argue about it but accept and keep it, for its the word of God that comes from His own mouth.
   He who believe and have faith that Bible is the word of God will also not argue or ignore about it but pray and accept it with gratitude.
   Afterall, the true new year that God gave to men does not belong to Israel people only but to all those who love the Truth, who believe and have faith in God.
   Now we know the true new year of God people, so let us accept it and keep it as it should be. It is between March and April in modern common language or understanding or both.
   If we calculate God's people new year with the help of the current Israel people or true researchers we may find out the exact date. But, it seems the current Israel people have also forgotten the new year given to them by God as they have new calender which new year starts on September and they also use  Papal or Gregorian or Pope Gregory XIII Calendar widely according to wikipedia.

   God's first plan was to establish His Kingdom in this world through His faithful people kingdom, Israel people and spread the new year, His Commandments and about Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world. But, since Israel people were not faithful and did not listened to Him, they ignore His only begotten faithful and true Son Jesus Christ, the Messiah, God have to follow His second plan and tell the world the Truth about His begotten Son Jesus Christ and His commandments through His begotten Son Jesus's followers. Thus, this post comes to pass.
   But, any physical or earthly generation of Israel who accept these things and keep it, who accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah and only begotten faithful and true Son of God, is the true Israel. That also means, all who accept and keep the Faith of Jesus Christ and the Commandments of God are the true Israel (of the most last of the times) of God, which mean the Children of God.

   Let us not be like a child and fool anymore by arguing or debating and by trying to make the false as truth and wrong as right, let us be like adults and wisemen that accept the truth and keep truth as truth and false or wrong as false or wrong. That's the only way we can  have a bright or brighter future and destiny. That's the thoughts for the day and all the days that is to come. Let us be wise, and be blessed.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

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