Saturday, February 28, 2015

No, God Does Not Have a Name..

   God the Creator is YHWH is Parmeshwar is Tianzhu/Shangdi is Allah, etc.
  Or, God The Father is Pita Parmeshwar is Allah Al-Ab, etc. (It would be a long one to write It in all language.)

   Do we really know or are we just thinking God has a name? Who would have given a name to God the Creator of Nature/Everything?
Or, is God a fool, not to understand when someone mention a name to refer/direct to Him?

   We human family don't have to ar
gue one another. God is not a fool.
    Everybody have the Name of God/The Creator of All in their own language. God understand it very very much when one truly calls Him.
   Therefore, to end the confusion or argument/controversy, we may have to know the fact:
   God does not have a name as we all have. There was none before Him, and none greater than Him to give Him one particular name.
   Since He is the Creator of all, and none was there to create name for Him, He choose or use name whatever He want. It doesn't matter how many names He use, For He is The King of All. It is in His hands, and we are just to accept whatever He our Father say.
    So, to humans or His creations, He maybe known as Father, Creator, King and Lord, no matter in what language as long as it means. Yes, we know Him according to who He is as mentioned above, though we need to know Him more by opening our heart.
    He also reveal Himself and is known as YHWH, I Am Who I Am, Lord of Host, Omnipotent, God Almighty and many more.
   And, as He is our Creator, we may best know and call Him as our Father in Heaven, because Jesus Christ who came from and has ascended to Heaven has told us so.
He is a Father to all who believe and accept Him as their Creator and seek and live to serve only Him.

   So, the most important thing to learn and keep it, after knowing the subject regarding to the Name of God is, we all are His children, He loves us all and we ought to love one another.
    It was only our opinions or the Devil deception that divide us as if we have different creators, who have different ways (or religions or teachings we may call it).

   We got to forget our opinions and/or religions, and live to love one another as one creation, children of our Father in Heaven.
    That is what our Father in Heaven wants. Even earthly fathers would not want their children to have different beliefs or religions and to argue and hate or fight one another. Simple as that.
   Likewise, earthly fathers should love one another and also teach their children not their opinions or religions but to love one another to make a wonderful world.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

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