Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How to Solve Injustice Against Women and Men?

   'Women freedom is the reason for crimes against women.' I found this search keywords in my traffic sources. I don't know whether or not it was a message sent to me by cowards, or someone just wanted to get knowledge regarding to it.
   But the moment I saw it and think of someone having such a criminal action protection perspective, I felt a heat in my heart that made me want to spin such man or woman or both's head, lol
   I also recalled that somewhere, I have also read that 'women are to be blame for rape cases.'

   'I asked the questions: if women are to be blame for rape cases, is it that a victim of murder be blamed for it? Or, is it that a victim of theft be blamed for it?
   Nonsense, evil-sense, criminal sense, Devil children sense!'

   But then, I calmed myself down and began to engage in thoughts related to such kinds instead and realized that such attitudes comes from violent, cruel or evil men who are lawless and practice injustice against others.
   It is better that such kind of people be kept in prison than letting them roam free and spread their injustice opinions, for that is the root of injustice.
   Yes, by having such kind of law can we solve injustice against women and all other kinds from the root: any one, media or organization who speak of injustice against women as well as men should be charged as criminals who encourage gender inequality, in other words injustice.
   If there is no such law, injustice and violence against women and others would always exist. Therefore, such kind of law should be made and it should be spread wide enough that everyone on earth knows it, so that there be not a single injustice and crimes anywhere on earth.

   If any man could not come to agree that women needs freedom as much as men do, and that women are not to be blame for rape cases, they are committing crime against gender equality. Therefore, they should be punished so that they can come to equality senses.

   We, the world need such kinds of laws since men has been deceived and oppressed their common sense by Satan. That is the reason why many have injustice opinions against women as well as men who have different appearances, personalities and statuses.

   What is written here is true and it will be effective when all those who have a mind of equality and freedom comes together for their rights and protect it. And I know, everyone in the world would come to agree or bow down before such justice, for it is true.
   Therefore, my fellow men and women who have a sound mind of justice, stay strong and wise and let us come together for good causes and change the world.
   That's the solution for injustice or crime against women as well as men. Yes, law and unity.

   Never doubt at all, for there will be One world of love, Justice, Freedom, Rights, Peace, Prosperity, Enjoyment and True Knowledge in Our time. For that are my first stage missions and my Father will help me do it.
   But since it is for the last time, let us make it large and great!
   Then, there will be no more political parties but the people themselves will be the government who governs as they wish. There is a way, and I know the Lord Our Father knows it.

   Quotes of the Day:

   * What is the problem with coming together for good causes?
      Except the Satanics, no man will find a problem,
      Because our joining hands together for good causes will push the evil people into a hole.
      And that's a problem to Satanics.
      Therefore, if you are not a Satanic, don't oppose one world, one love but come to join hands for good!

      *# Love for all, all for love.
          Let's make a new story for history.
          And let that be 'love for all, all for love,'
          Which the Lord God Our Father is making from the beginning of times.

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

God, Tonight & Thinking: How to Find Ideas, True Ideas?

   reasons I used to revise in this twin blog-books that God my Father gives me.
   Anyway, I'm only a human and not only imperfect but the squander who is the sinnerst of men though God, the Father of you and me gives me me, this mind and body as He gives you you, your mind and body.

   Thus as follows:

   Thinking is also a kind of work. With prayers, spend an hour in a day or whenever you have time for thinking/thoughts for advancement. If you keep on spending your time thinking about tears pulling situations, you will keep on crying. But, with praying to God, if you keep on spending your time thinking about advancement you will keep on finding the way of spiritual and physical advancement.
   All wisemen used to do that, whether or not they realize it. But true wisemen, the wisemen of God do it with prayers to Him.
   When you spend time thinking, with praying to God your Father, He will guide your thoughts according to Him and He will give you His ideas, true ideas He designed for you, including self awarenesses.

   Follow the ideas that God give you and you will keep on advancing. Even if you fail, spend your time thinking for spiritual and physical advancement with prayers to God again. And He will make you realize your mistakes, correct your mistakes and show you the way. And you will end up in good places where you should be, including the unimaginable Beautiful, Great and Perfect place known as Heaven, the Kingdom of God.
   Remember, thinking is also a kind of work where wisemen gets ideas but for true ideas comes from God, do it with prayers. Therefore, my lovest, spend time thinking with prayers to God, my love, my lovest.

   Food for Thoughts

   * Whoever is the generation of Adam and Eve is a child of God.
      Therefore, my fellow human beings who are my brothers and sisters, since you and me are the generations of Adam, we are the second sons and daughters of God.
      *# Before thoughts and after thoughts is necessary for reformation and perfection. Keep on engaging in them.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Education System Reformation: Employable Teens

   This is my goal, one of my goal, and that is to reform education system of this world and prepare students employable at the age of 15, and 20 for other professions that requires extensive studies.

   We, those who have attend schools know, whether or not we know it consciously, that we spend most of our childhood and teenage life in schools. Even 20s in colleges/universities for those who can afford it.
   When I observe back and looked at the subjects we have been taught in schools, I realize, oh what a waste of money and time we threw them into unnecessary education.
   For example, let us compare our present situation or state of affairs with the unnecessary education we have got:

We all make basic mathematics (esp. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) useful in our life but never find a situation where we need to apply algebra, number theory, etc. to manage our life. At least, approximately 90+ percent of us don't even need to think about it as it is not even related to our works.

   It maybe needed to become a scientist. Therefore, those whose aim are to become a scientist may learn all that are beyond the basic mathematics.

   Lucky are those, including me, who went to English medium schools, we can communicate with the world. It is necessary to joins the world together as one through communication. But as for me, I know, I still need to learn grammar more.

   Let nobody be jealous, proud or worry on this matter, for it's the Lord's doing in Time. In the general past times, if we learn the Bible and history, there has been the time of the languages of Babylonian, Medo-Persia, Greek and Roman. And now is the time for English language to be world wide or should I say universal language for the prosperity, peace and freedom of this world..


   It's good to know history but History classes were waste of times as many of us don't end up or want to end up as historian. Anyway we are in the computer age, and we can google out whatever history we wanted to know, if it came to be in need. But this does not mean that all history classes should be take out of school, necessary to be known should be taught.

   I even forget what are all the subjects I was given to study in schools. But, I sure know you can find them out and screen whether or not they are necessary to your daily life.

   Again let us observe a technician early days. He went to schools but he only began to learn about the skills in college but after wasting his earlier years in schools. Why?
   Because the education system made him to. The same thing happened to lawyers, engineers and so on.
   And since, the education system does not teach students to the point and in time, many lose enthusiasm and end up in depressions and many could not continue to study as they have to struggle to survive.

   So, I came to think that the education system needs reformation in this way:
   Basic education which includes practical computer studies, should be given to children for five years, and professions education for about five years.

   There should be all kinds of professions education, like farming, engineering, researching, administration, etc. and those that need practice should be learnt practically. That way, those who does not want one or the other have a chance to study the professions he wish to follow.
   If one profession education takes only about a year to learn, then the student should be given another profession education so that he end up having two or more profession education and follow whatever profession he want when he left the school and grow up.
   (For the start, what the world can do now is open universities for all ages. Maybe I will also register for it at this age :)

   If we calculate that a child began to school at the age of five, we have him employable at the age of 15.
   If he don't want the profession he had learnt, he can always learn another profession of his choice for 3 or 5 years, and he will only began his twenties if not still a teenage.
   This means that our children will be taught while their mind are afresh and have less tensions, and that's the right time for educating our children.
   And if they are employable, they all should or not be employed according to their choice. We would not only restructure education system but everything that should be, and create jobs for all.

   That way, we will have children who are so young and who does not lose any enthusiasm for studies. But ready to be employed in or before the time they need to work. And also have multiple professions educations.
   They will be more happy in their life than any of us, and they will be more happy upon us for what we do for them. And when we see that, we will be more happy in our life than we have ever been. And our, this generation will be a happy generation. Yay! (Y)
   Therefore, my fellows, my brothers and sisters, let my goal be your goal, and let us change the world together. Yay! (Y)
   We can do it! Yay! (Y)


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Blessing: The Effect of Luck

   It was a boring day for a shopkeeper in the valley of trade. It has been days he had not sold a thing but in order to continue living in that place, he need to have his trade alive.
   Yet, what can he do when he can't turn any a person into his customer. All he can do is pray, and being a believer he prayed to God, 'Lord, thank you for giving me life till date and I hope You would continue to give me so. You know I needed customers to retain the life you have given me as a shopkeeper, if it is your will, please give me some today. But, You know everyone needs your blessing, so, bless all men. Let it be as Your will. All that in Jesus name I pray.'

   An hour passed by but there was no sign of answers, few more hours passed by and he could see people rushing in a neighbor shop as if they found something valuable.
   To him, his prayer was not answered. Hours passed by and not a single customer came to his shop. And it was closing time but his neighbor's shop was still full of customers.
   Hoping that some one might turn to be his customer, he waited for few more minutes until the night seems older and he needed to keep his hope for the next day. 'Thank God, for giving customers to my neighbor, if it is Your will, bless me too...' he prayed, off the lights and began to pull the shutter but his neighbor called out his name and said, 'wait for me, I need to buy some things from you.'
   'I have thought my Lord was not answering me today but keep it for other day,' he thought

   His neighbor came and pull out almost all kind of stuff in his shop, saying, 'I needed this, this and that, I've wanted it for so long but luck is with me today. I need to send this one to my friend, this to my relative, this an that.'
   'If my Lord's blessing is called luck, what a chain of luck it is. Surely, a blessing or luck that does not spread out and brings luck to others as well is never a luck,' the shopkeeper thought and he give thanks to his Lord.
   'God does not hurry, but not slow either, He is always in time. He does not have only one way of blessing, a thousand way is nothing but uncountable ways, and He does not only love and care for His near ones but all, including those who does not love Him, His enemies.'


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