Saturday, December 30, 2017

Who are the Holy Spirits? What is the Holy Spirit?

   Holy Spirit means good Spirit. The opposite of it is Unholy Spirit, which means evil Spirit.

   The easiest way to know what is or who are the Holy Spirit is knowing who are the Unholy Spirit, Evil Spirit. 
   We all may know what is Evil Spirit that is unholy Spirit. They are Angels who don't want to obey and serve God the Lord:- Satan and his followers. 

   When Lord Jesus was to cast out evil Spirit, they said, "What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?" (KJV) 
   Those Spirit are either fallen Angels or their offsprings that is why they know they are to be tormented, punished. Here is the proof:- It is written in the Bible that a hell is prepared for Satan, Diabol and his followers.

   Since, now, we know what is unholy Spirit, evil Spirit let us know who are the Holy Spirits - Holy Ghosts. 

   If we enquire the Bible we can know what is Holy Spirit. In Acts 8:26 (KJV) we see that an Angel is writen as the Holy Spirit. In verse 29 the word "Spirit" confirms that the Angel was Holy Spirit. 

   Since, Angels who are God's Spirits are not evil, we know they are Holy. That means all those who are written in the Bible as the "Spirit" who are in God side and the "Spirit of the Lord" are Holy Spirit. They are also called Angels in other verses.

   But not only Holy Angels are Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus said God is Spirit. We know God is Holy, and since He is Spirit and since He is Holy, it means He is Holy Spirit. 

   Since Lord Jesus is the Son of God we can immediately know He is also Spirit. So, since Lord Jesus is Holy we can also immediately know He is Holy Spirit. 

   So, if we ask who all are the Holy Spirits, "God (the Father in Heaven), Lord Jesus Christ (the Son) and Angels are the Holy Spirits. 
   That is why Lord Jesus said, "And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven." Luke 12: 10. Because such man blasphemed against God the Father, Lord Jesus Christ the Son and the Angels, that means all the Spirits of Heaven, in human words, all the People of Heaven.

   (What we can learn from the above is that the doctrine that say, teach there is A Father's Time/Period, the Son's Time/Period and Holy Spirits' Time/Period (a teaching that say there are different times of action/work for each of the Three Spirits) is just a false opinion, a complete lie. For, as God the Father is Holy Spirit, which they called the Father's Time was Holy Spirit Time. And, since Lord Jesus is Holy Spirit, which they called the Son's Time was also Holy Spirit Time too.
   Also, as Lord Jesus said, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." John 5: 17 It means all time is God's time, it's His time of work. In other words, all time is Holy Spirit time.)

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

A Lesson from the Adulteress

   An adulteress who was caught In the act of adultery was brought to Lord Jesus but Lord Lord Jesus forgave her and told her not to commit adultery again. In other words, not to break the Ten Commandments. (John 8)

   We all are sinners and the adulteress represents us before Lord Jesus. What we can learn from the above is that we all are forgiven - saved by Grace no matter what sin we have done, what part of the Ten Commandments we have broken. Such is the grace and love of God.

   And so the next thing we learn from the story is that we have to sin no more. We should not break the Ten Commandments anymore. Because, Lord Jesus said it so or else we will be burned in hell. For hell is for sinners.

   There are lots of Christian who don't accept the teaching Lord Jesus told to the adulteress. Lord Jesus said "Sin no more," in other words, "do not commit adultery anymore," "do not break the Ten Commandments anymore." But many of us break to keep the Sabbath holy. Many of us like the rest of the commandments but we don't want the commandment about the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments.

   Let us realize that if the adulteress was but who break the Sabbath and brought to Lord Jesus, in other words, if we who break the Sabbath are brought to Lord Jesus, He will tell us to "Sin no more," to not break the Sabbath anymore."
   So we learn from the above that we have to keep the Sabbath holy too. We learn we have to keep the Ten Commandments. 

   This we learn from the adulteress and Lord Jesus story.

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Debate Between a Muslim and Christian: the Lies Told by Mohammad, Koran and Muslims

   Christian: "Lord Jesus Christ and His teaching are made by God.
   Islam is made by Satan and muhammad and other religions are made by Satan and men if not only by men."
   Muslim: "Hahahaha if Islam is false religion then other religion are also false and wrong I have read Qur'an and bible according to Qur'an is much better than bible so how u say that we all r red-blooded so don't hate other religions."

   Christian: "Koran and mohammad are liars. 
Lord Jesus Christ said I am the Son of God, and Seven Eyewitnesses confirmed It and they wrote about Him which is now known as the New Testament in the Bible. Koran and and mohammad lie against them that Lord Jesus is no son of God and he did not die. 
   But the Seven eyewitnesses writer confirmed that He died, rose up again and went to Heaven. 
   Koran and mohammad don't even have eyewitnesses to prove that they are true. You know even in the court eyewitnesses are needed to prove the fact. 
   Koran and mohammad are truly liars sir."

   Muslim: "Jews says Jesus was liar and Christians says Muhammad was liar and Muslims believe in all prophets.
   If Islam is a satanic religion, why does it tell its followers to have belief in Jesus? And on top of that, it makes it clear to them that if they don't believe Jesus and all others before him, their Islam is not complete and will not be accepted in life hereafter."
   Christian: "Islam don't believe in Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ said I am the Son of God, and said pray in My Name to God.
   But Islam, Koran and muhammad, are against Him. Because Koran and Muhammad say Jesus is no son of God and that He did not die. They don't even pray to God the Father in His name. So Koran and Muhanmad are liars. Lord Jesus Christ died and rose up again and went to heaven."

   Muslim: "I obey but I bet u that Jesus is not son of God, this is fairy tales."
   Christian: "If you obey Lord Jesus Christ you will pray to God (the Father) in His name and believe Him what He say that He is the Son of God. You are a liar too if you say I believe and obey in Jesus but don't obey Him."
   Muslim: "If Jesus is son of God then God has ancestors and parent this is not right, think about it."
   Christian: "Human way is not God's way. 
God first created Lord Jesus Christ before anything else. And He became His first Son. 
   Lord Jesus Christ also said I have existed long ago. 
God made Lord Jesus Christ small and put Him in virgin Mary's womb. That's how He came from Heaven."

   Muslim: "I will believe something that has never been altered since the day it landed onto men. bible has been rephrased countless times. but the Quran has not. and secondly, yet another Quran quote;
   And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
   Those who know, know that Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him was NOT able to read or write... this quran verse clearly tells of the very first revelation on Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him."
   Christian: "You can find no prove that Bible is altered execpt editions. So, how can you say It is altered? Remember, minor changes are not major changes, so editions does not wipe away the Truth. Also, even you believe in Torah which is one of your Islam books. Torah is the first five books written in the Bible. If the Bible is altered Torah which you believe is also altered. The truth is you only chose to believe what you are taught to and ignore and say it is altered which you are taught not to believe.
   The Evil book koran is not delivered, muhammad tell it to someone and someone wrote the koran. But it is a book of lies against the Bible that is against Lord Jesus, God the Father and His Children."

   Muslim: "Just answer me, is he not God if he is son of God?"
   Christian: "Son of God is God. And since he came in to Mary's womb and born He is also the Son of man."

   Muslim: "Ok, so how did the God die? the creator of death, was killed by his creation??? explain this to me please... God cannot die. 
   Why are there only 7 eyewitnesses of Jesus's Crucifixion? and do you even use your brain? how come Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him has no eyewitnesses? did he preach in space? u r definitely an idiot. i am not replying you anymore."
   Christian: "Haha you are funny, you only believe in one person who have no eyewitnesses. Even if you take it in the court they will say its a lie.
   I was saying Seven Eyewitnesses writers. There are, in fact lots of eyewitnesses of Lord Jesus but there were about eleven men whose name were written in the Bible and seven are writers of Lord Jesus. 
   God can die if he wants it so. He can do everything. So He can die if he chooses so. And so Lord Jesus Christ died. He was tortured and crucified and then died in the cross. 
   Since he is God (the Son) - Son of God, God the Father rose Him up again on the third day. That proves well that He is God the Son. 
   Its the truth. Its your choice whether or not you believe it. 
   But Seven eyewitnesses writer of New Testament prove the Bible is the only true words of God. 
   You don't know mohammad just meet Satan who disguise as Angel of God and he obey him."

   Muslim: "Muhammad have eyewitnesses of ALLL khalifa's and arabs."
   Christian: "Eyewitnesses? What an added lie. Nobody see that mohammad communicated with God. In fact it was Satan. He have no eyewitnesses to prove he is true. You don't have prove also.

   Mohammad was born and koran was written after about 500 years and they lied against the early Eyewitnesses writers of Lord Jesus and against Lord Jesus himself, and you believe that lies? What a lost person you are sir."

   Muslim: "Haha Qur'an was written in 23 years and there r many eyewitnesses bro
   Christian: "I said koran was written long after Lord Jesus Christ died, rose up and went to heaven. Its about 500 years later. 
   If you want to know, the Bible was written in about 2000 years."

   Muslim: "Qur'an is more knowledgeful."
   Christian: "Knowledgeful? Wrong, brother. You know how the world began, what the present is and what the future will be Only from the Bible. Other books contains lies, and you are not learned in the Lord because your mind is closed - you lack a heart like a child's heart that is willingness to accept the Truth, so you don't know which one are lies."

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Three Types of Dreams

   As mentioned in earlier post that there are three types of dreams which may be seen while sleeping. Here are the three types of dreams as follows.

   The first, common and less important type of dream is an Ordinary dream. This type of dream is made up by the brain. Ordinary dream is the subconscious thought of the brain.
   Man have ordinary dream from the moment the brain can generate thoughts till the brain stop generating thoughts. This occurs when man is in the womb and may end few seconds or minutes after he is dead if his brain is intact.

   The second type of dream is Temp dream. It is a dream given by Satan the Devil. Temp dream means temporary dream. Temp dream can nightmares and it can also truly foretell about something but it is useless in regards to attaining eternal life. It may not be known that it is given by the Devil but it is.
   This type of dream is seen by the people who are not faithful to and who don't believe in the true God, God of gods. Man used by God can tell what type of dream it is or who give it.

   The third and most truthful type of dream is Indes dream. It is a dream given by God. Indes dream means indestructible dream. This type of dream truly tell about facts, and truly foretell about the future and it cannot fail. God give this type of dream to whoever He wish.
   We can see in the Bible indes dreams given by God. From the Bible we learn that even king of idol worshippers receive indes dream, and that means everyone can receive it.
   Some indes dream can be simple to understand and need no interpreter. But if it needs to be understood and explain it can only be understood and explained by man used by God. Even the dreamer can understand and explain it if God wants him to.

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Do You Know the Commandments and Law of Love?

   A Pharisees and an expert in the law, who keep the Ten Commandments so important asked Jesus, "what is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
   Jesus replied it is the Ten Commandments. Then they understood and know it is so true that they keep silent. 
   (Mat. 22, Mar. 12, Luk. 10)

   Here in detail:
   Jesus answered, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and strength. That is the first and greatest commandment. "
   Then He added, "The second is love your neighbours as you love yourself," and He added again, "All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments."

   Now the question is:
   How will you love God, the Lord your God? 
   1. You will have no other gods. 
   2. You will not bow down before idols. 
   3. You will not simply take the name of the Lord your God. 
   4. You will keep the Sabbath (Saturday) holy, the rest day of God. 

   How will you love your neighbour as yourself? 
   5. You will honour your mother and father.  
   6. You will not murder. 
   7. You will not steal. 
   8. You will not commit adultry. 
   9. You will not be a false witness against your neighbour. 
   10. You will not covet. 

    So, the Ten Commandments (written on Exodus 20) are the Commandments of Love and the Law of Love as there are Two love commandments in It. They are about how to love God and neighbours. These two are the greatest, first and second commandments which Jesus has said. 

   Therefore, brothers and sisters ask yourself whether or not you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and strength and your neighbour as you love yourself.

   It's not hard to follow the Law of Love, right? 


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

How to Deal With the Past and Loneliness?

   If you feel lonely and you long to be with someone who has gone,
   It means you are normal like everybody else.
   If you think your life is hard and you want to die because someone you love has gone,
   Ask someone like you and you will discover they have felt the same.
   Don't you ever try to die before your time, for you will go and be burn in hell which is so hot and painful.

   If you know you can't forget and call back the past and your love ones who has gone,
   You have the right knowledge.
   But, if all that you want is to bring back your loved ones,
   Everyone have the same desire but there is only one way to see your loved ones:
   Prepare to inherit eternal life, and when you get to Heaven you will see your love again.

   If you want to be free from loneliness and live a normal life,
   Don't let your mind stay in the past no matter whether it is 2016 or whatever year it is, bring your mind to 2017(or the present) where your body is. It's because you let your mind stay in the past you feel lonely and abnormal.
   Remember when you keep on thinking about the past or your loved one who has gone, you let your mind stay in the past,
   Nobody can simply forget the past but that does not mean you have to let your mind stay in the past.
   So do not keep on thinking about the past but wonder about the present and the future where you will go and see your love one in Heaven.

   If you think your love one who has gone was half of your body and life, and nobody can replace him or her,
   You still have to find someone and make love with him or her because that's the way to move on and make a normal life.
   If you are someone who cannot become normal you will become normal again when your cup is filled again, when you have someone to make love with again.
   Whatever you chose to be, don't go to hell but live on to go to Heaven because Heaven is far more desirable than hell where sinners will be burned for days and nobody knows how long it will be.
   Your life will soon be normal again if you follow the above and you will inherit eternal life if you keep the Ten Commandments of God and follow Jesus Christ.

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

What is Dream? Why Do You Have Dream When You Sleep?

   To know what is dream and why do we have dream when we sleep we need to know what is the mind, brain made for.
   As the heart is made to beat or pump blood, the stomach is to digest food, the brain is made to think things.
   No matter what you do or where you are your brain keeps on thinking, because that is its work. Even when you don't know what you are doing, your brain keep on thinking.

   So, since the work of the brain is to keep on thinking even while we sleep, we have dreams. In other words, dream is a thought the brain do when one is in a sub-conscious state. As you cannot stop thinking, as you cannot stop the brain to think, you also cannot stop dreaming, you cannot stop the brain to dream. So, thinking while sleeping is called dream.

   Don't think that dream is something that comes from outside realm. Dream is just a sub-concious thought of the brain. If you don't have dream or if you don't have thoughts it means you are dead.

    Sometimes you may say I don't have dreams but in reality, you have dreams. It's just that your conciousness fell to such a deep sleep that even your sub-conciousness could not record and remember what your brain was thinking.

   You may wonder that some dreams tends to correctly tell things, foretell the future and that it is not just thoughts of the brain. You are right to wonder about it because there are three types of dreams. I will post about it on coming post, please do keep on visiting and commenting.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

How Can Grandparents Become Mentors? by Susan Day

   The Love of Grandparents and Their Changing Role

   Wanting to be loved and to love in return is a natural human endeavour. We often romanticise about meeting the person of our dreams, and dedicating our lives to them.
   When we become parents we discover there’s a new kind of love which envelops our hearts. Fast forward a couple of decades, and we find that becoming a grandparent offers us a whole new understanding of what love means.
   Whether you are a grandparent or you have special memories of your own, it’s important to acknowledge what a special bond grandparents share with their grandchildren.

Spoilers and Coddlers

   Many grandparents see themselves as having the right to spoil their grandchildren. They also feel an overwhelming desire to coddle and protect them. 

   However, I’d like to suggest that grandparents could play a more significant role. Let’s face it, never before in the history of the world have grandparents had so much time on their hands. Some are also wealthier than ever before and they have access to the internet, and all the resources it offers.
   Perhaps grandparents could use the love they share with their grandchildren and play a greater role in improving each other’s lives.

  Grandparents as Mentors

   Children need as many good role models as they can get. In today’s technologically driven world they can be exposed to many terrible things. As well, parents are very busy with financial pressures resulting in them working longer and later. 
   At this time grandparents can play a significant role not just as babysitters, but as mentors who can offer advice and guidance to their troubled grandchildren.

   How Can Grandparents Become Mentors?

   To become a mentor each grandparent needs to feel empowered to make a change in their grandchildren’s lives. They should be stepping up and planning activities where they can spend quality time; creating memories which last a lifetime.
   Grandparents need to find out as much as they can about the technology their grandchildren are using. This way they will be forewarned about the dangers. It is also a great opportunity for them to learn what their grandchildren are interested in.
   Spending time with their grandchildren leaves time and space to talk and discuss issues. A walk to the park or a trip to the shop for an ice-cream offer wonderful opportunities whereby grandparents can learn more about their grandchildren.
   Being a grandparent is no longer a passive role. With all the added rights and privileges afforded to them, it is a wonderful time to have a positive impact in their lives of those they love most.

About My Guest - Susan Day

   Susan Day is an author of 15 books, educator, and a content marketer. Her blog, Astro’s Adventures Book Club, is full of ideas and tips for grandparents who want to build a strong relationship with their grandchildren. In particular, Susan specializes in helping grandparents share their love of books with their grandchildren. Susan is currently writing a book titled, "The Top 10 Things Happy Grandparents Never Regret Doing!"

   Susan lives in country Australia with four dogs, three boss cats, three rescue guinea pigs, and an errant kangaroo. And, apart from blogging, writing and reading; she loves drinking coffee, painting and learning to box.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

This is What Tomorrow Will Bring

   Who said nobody see tomorrow?
   Sit down and contemplate to see tomorrow,
   You can see tomorrow if you are well versed and wise enough,
   Don't you still see what tomorrow is?
   It's simple, it is the day of your death.

   Who said nobody knows what tomorrow will bring?
   Tomorrow will bring your end, and you will die tomorrow.
   Then you will be risen up again,
   And be burn for days in hell if you have no love in Jesus Christ.
   But you will inherit eternal life if you keep the Ten Commandments and follow Jesus Christ.

   Since you are going to die tomorrow but raised up to stand before judgment,
   Live your today according God who created you.
   Life is short tomorrow is coming.
   Enjoyment is short punishment is dangerous and long,
   So, enjoy today according to God to escape His punishment tomorrow.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Poem: Will You Save Your Future Children?

   Will you send your children,
   Where sickness and diseases fill the air,
   Where they have to toil for food and shelter,
   Where their friends ask them to take drugs and alcohol, and scammers trying to deceive them, 
   Where the leaders call them to take up weapons to defend and wage war?

   Will you send your children,
   Where the law of God is broken and hard to follow,
   Where the young are tempted to sin and they often fall to it,
   Where it is hard to be true and where they have to suffer in obeying God,
   Where they have sex without marriage and awaits to be burned for days in hell?

   Will you send your child,
   Where you can't give guarantee that your children will not fall into sin and hell,
   Where you can't be sure that your children will be faithful in the faith and will not be punished,
   Where you have no power to make them choose to follow the narrow and hard path which few people follow,
   Where you yourself are not sure that you will be saved from the punishment of hell and inherit eternal life?

   If you want to apply your power that your children will not suffer the sickness and hardness of this world,
   If you so love your children and want to be sure that your children will be blameless and will not fall into sin,
   If you want to guarantee that your children will be faithful in the Lord and will not go to hell to be burn for days,
   There is only one way, and that is, don't send your children in a cursed world. In other words, don't have children.

   After knowing all those things, don't have children and say I love you my children.
   You have not love your children.
   If you have love your children you will not send them to a place where they have to make hard choice.
   As for me, I cried after I know that it is better for me to see and send them not in this broken world,
   I cried as I desire to see my children so much but that I should not.


To discover more, see Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Psalm's Prophecy of the Second Messiah

   Here are two Psalm chapters that prophesy about a measiah. It is not yet fulfilled for it is about a second messiah (meaning second christ - second annointed) who is to come to pass in this world.

   Psalm 2
  1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
  2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
  3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
  4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
  5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
  6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
  7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
  8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
  9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
  10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
  11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
  12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

   King James Version (KJV)

   Psalm 45
  1 My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
  2 Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.
  3 Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O most mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty.
  4 And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things.
  5 Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies; whereby the people fall under thee.
  6 Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.
  7 Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
  8 All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad.
  9 Kings' daughters were among thy honourable women: upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir.
  10 Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father's house;
  11 So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him.
  12 And the daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift; even the rich among the people shall intreat thy favour.
  13 The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold.
  14 She shall be brought unto the king in raiment of needlework: the virgins her companions that follow her shall be brought unto thee.
  15 With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the king's palace.
  16 Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth.
  17 I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever.

   King James Version (KJV)


To discover more, see Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

What You Should Do To Have Eternal Life

   It is Very Clear, But We Often Miss To See It.

   One man ask Jesus "What should I do to Inherit eternal life?"
   Jesus Christ replied, "Keep the Ten Commandments, that is don't commit adultry, don't murder..., sell all that you have, give to the poor and follow Me. (Mat 19: 16 -21, Mar 10: 17 - 21, Luk 18: 18 - 22)
   The man understood that Jesus was saying about the Ten Commandments. 

   Yes, when Jesus mention one of the Ten Commandments He was saying the all of the Ten Commandments as it is written on James 2:10 that who break one of the law breaks all. 

   Brothers and Sisters do you first keep the Ten Commandments and follow Jesus?
   Do you believe/accept the way which Jesus said in order to have eternal life? If you don't accept it do you know where you are going?

   Do you want to have eternal life or you want to go to hell?

   If you want to have eternal life just accept what Jesus said.


To discover more, see Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Poem: International Model

   You are an International model,
   Blameless from head to toes.
   Who will say you are ugly?
   Even the gods will fall in love with you.

   Desirable is the place where you dwell,
   For they will often see the most beautiful girl in the World.
   Blessed are the womb that bore you and the father who raised you up,
   For they have given birth to and raised up a Star.

   Lucky are your brothers and sisters,
   Because they live with top Super Model.
   Lucky are your friends,
   Because they dance with the Moon.

   Rich is the world,
   For we are given an Angel like being.
   You are the greatest Diamond in the Earth,
   Even the rich will desire to possess you.

   How luckiest you are in the Universe?
   You are the dream of the people of all the nations.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Poem: There is No Love At First Sight or Love Marriage

   There is no love at first sight,
   But want at first sight, my friend.
   It is the beauty that you want,
   Because you have an eye to see,
   And a heart to feel it.
   Close your eyes and you will know,
   She is as black as the ugly girl you think.

   There is no love marriage,
   But desire based marriage, my dear.
   It is the sex that you want,
   Because you have an inborn sex desire,
   That compels you to get married.
   Take out your sex desire and you will know,
   Why eunuch do not get married.

   Love have no sight and desire,
   But it is good intention and action toward every soul, my love.
   You will know it when you are blind and become an eunuch.
   And you will see love goes out toward every creatures without any favouritism,
   And treated them equally as you would do to yourself.
   Then you will realize that you always have the choice to keep alive the love in you.
   Are you a lover?


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Poem: I Am the Lord of Animals

   I am the lord of animals with their life in my hands.
   If they can speak like me, would not they beg for grace?
   They can feel pain and love like I do.

   Since the Lord eat not humans flesh, so should I, the lord of animals.
   Why should I fill my stomach with animal's flesh at the cost of their pain?
   They are like humans and I am like their god.

   The Lord made me to be the lord upon animals.
   Why should I have no mercy upon them like the Devil?
   So I decide to let them go free, afterall, I am the lord of animals.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Poem: I Rather Have No Children

   (How to Save Future People from Hell.)

   I rather have no children,
   Because I love my posterity so much.
   Why should I bring them in,
   In this world of uncertainty?

   Few are those who enter to the narrow gate of heaven,
   Many are those who go to the wide gate of hell.
   If my posterity are about a hundred,
   How many will be among the few?

   I save my posterity from hell,
   When I don't have children.
   Because I love my posterity so much,
   I rather have no children.

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Atomball: A New Game of Both Genders

   The name of the game is Atomball.
   For 2 - 24 players.
   Ages 5 - 99
   Duration 1 hour

   To play atomball outdoor -
   1. Two atomball goal board is necessary.
   2. Two team consist of twelve players each.
   3. Minimum three men/women each in a team.
   4. Both teams brings Atomball Cup with twelve balls each in it.
   5. A game start when the referee toss up the ball in the middle where two players each from both team take position.

   To play atomball indoor
   1. One Atomball Goal Board.
   2. Two individual players.
   3. Penalty shot from 12 feet. (adjustable for children)
   (Atomball Goal Board should be lowered down for children.)

   1. If the ball went in to the red hole, it is a lose ball. The ownership of the ball goes to the other team who did not put the ball in.
   2. If the ball went in to the black hole, it is a penalty ball for the other team. The team that did not put the ball in have one penalty shot.
   3. When a team lose all the 12 ball, the game is over and they (the team who lose all balls) lose the game.
   4. When a team lose eleven (11) balls but shoot one goal and the other team do not, and the time is over, the team with one goal win the game.
   5. Sudden forceful push or strike is a foul. But, pulling other's shirt or grabbing someone's leg is not a foul.


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Kachin and Rohingya: Myanmar Must Stop Violence

Myanmar need to stop violence against the Kachin who have the right to Independence.

The riches (precious stones and gold) found beneath their land belongs solely to them. Myanmar need to stop bombing from the air, it is unlawful. They have the right to independence, so they must be given. Myanmar must let them be free.

They need help from and let the rest of the world help them.


A Rohingya child wash ashore by the sea when his boat got accident. His parents had taken him to escape Myanmar's army brutal treatment.

Myanmar should stop violence even against the Rohingya. There is always an option beside violence. Matters can be solved with peace if one chooses so. 


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

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