Sunday, December 17, 2017

A Lesson from the Adulteress

   An adulteress who was caught In the act of adultery was brought to Lord Jesus but Lord Lord Jesus forgave her and told her not to commit adultery again. In other words, not to break the Ten Commandments. (John 8)

   We all are sinners and the adulteress represents us before Lord Jesus. What we can learn from the above is that we all are forgiven - saved by Grace no matter what sin we have done, what part of the Ten Commandments we have broken. Such is the grace and love of God.

   And so the next thing we learn from the story is that we have to sin no more. We should not break the Ten Commandments anymore. Because, Lord Jesus said it so or else we will be burned in hell. For hell is for sinners.

   There are lots of Christian who don't accept the teaching Lord Jesus told to the adulteress. Lord Jesus said "Sin no more," in other words, "do not commit adultery anymore," "do not break the Ten Commandments anymore." But many of us break to keep the Sabbath holy. Many of us like the rest of the commandments but we don't want the commandment about the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments.

   Let us realize that if the adulteress was but who break the Sabbath and brought to Lord Jesus, in other words, if we who break the Sabbath are brought to Lord Jesus, He will tell us to "Sin no more," to not break the Sabbath anymore."
   So we learn from the above that we have to keep the Sabbath holy too. We learn we have to keep the Ten Commandments. 

   This we learn from the adulteress and Lord Jesus story.

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

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