Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Three Types of Dreams

   As mentioned in earlier post that there are three types of dreams which may be seen while sleeping. Here are the three types of dreams as follows.

   The first, common and less important type of dream is an Ordinary dream. This type of dream is made up by the brain. Ordinary dream is the subconscious thought of the brain.
   Man have ordinary dream from the moment the brain can generate thoughts till the brain stop generating thoughts. This occurs when man is in the womb and may end few seconds or minutes after he is dead if his brain is intact.

   The second type of dream is Temp dream. It is a dream given by Satan the Devil. Temp dream means temporary dream. Temp dream can nightmares and it can also truly foretell about something but it is useless in regards to attaining eternal life. It may not be known that it is given by the Devil but it is.
   This type of dream is seen by the people who are not faithful to and who don't believe in the true God, God of gods. Man used by God can tell what type of dream it is or who give it.

   The third and most truthful type of dream is Indes dream. It is a dream given by God. Indes dream means indestructible dream. This type of dream truly tell about facts, and truly foretell about the future and it cannot fail. God give this type of dream to whoever He wish.
   We can see in the Bible indes dreams given by God. From the Bible we learn that even king of idol worshippers receive indes dream, and that means everyone can receive it.
   Some indes dream can be simple to understand and need no interpreter. But if it needs to be understood and explain it can only be understood and explained by man used by God. Even the dreamer can understand and explain it if God wants him to.

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Do You Know the Commandments and Law of Love?

   A Pharisees and an expert in the law, who keep the Ten Commandments so important asked Jesus, "what is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
   Jesus replied it is the Ten Commandments. Then they understood and know it is so true that they keep silent. 
   (Mat. 22, Mar. 12, Luk. 10)

   Here in detail:
   Jesus answered, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and strength. That is the first and greatest commandment. "
   Then He added, "The second is love your neighbours as you love yourself," and He added again, "All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments."

   Now the question is:
   How will you love God, the Lord your God? 
   1. You will have no other gods. 
   2. You will not bow down before idols. 
   3. You will not simply take the name of the Lord your God. 
   4. You will keep the Sabbath (Saturday) holy, the rest day of God. 

   How will you love your neighbour as yourself? 
   5. You will honour your mother and father.  
   6. You will not murder. 
   7. You will not steal. 
   8. You will not commit adultry. 
   9. You will not be a false witness against your neighbour. 
   10. You will not covet. 

    So, the Ten Commandments (written on Exodus 20) are the Commandments of Love and the Law of Love as there are Two love commandments in It. They are about how to love God and neighbours. These two are the greatest, first and second commandments which Jesus has said. 

   Therefore, brothers and sisters ask yourself whether or not you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and strength and your neighbour as you love yourself.

   It's not hard to follow the Law of Love, right? 


To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

How to Deal With the Past and Loneliness?

   If you feel lonely and you long to be with someone who has gone,
   It means you are normal like everybody else.
   If you think your life is hard and you want to die because someone you love has gone,
   Ask someone like you and you will discover they have felt the same.
   Don't you ever try to die before your time, for you will go and be burn in hell which is so hot and painful.

   If you know you can't forget and call back the past and your love ones who has gone,
   You have the right knowledge.
   But, if all that you want is to bring back your loved ones,
   Everyone have the same desire but there is only one way to see your loved ones:
   Prepare to inherit eternal life, and when you get to Heaven you will see your love again.

   If you want to be free from loneliness and live a normal life,
   Don't let your mind stay in the past no matter whether it is 2016 or whatever year it is, bring your mind to 2017(or the present) where your body is. It's because you let your mind stay in the past you feel lonely and abnormal.
   Remember when you keep on thinking about the past or your loved one who has gone, you let your mind stay in the past,
   Nobody can simply forget the past but that does not mean you have to let your mind stay in the past.
   So do not keep on thinking about the past but wonder about the present and the future where you will go and see your love one in Heaven.

   If you think your love one who has gone was half of your body and life, and nobody can replace him or her,
   You still have to find someone and make love with him or her because that's the way to move on and make a normal life.
   If you are someone who cannot become normal you will become normal again when your cup is filled again, when you have someone to make love with again.
   Whatever you chose to be, don't go to hell but live on to go to Heaven because Heaven is far more desirable than hell where sinners will be burned for days and nobody knows how long it will be.
   Your life will soon be normal again if you follow the above and you will inherit eternal life if you keep the Ten Commandments of God and follow Jesus Christ.

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

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