Saturday, December 30, 2017

Who are the Holy Spirits? What is the Holy Spirit?

   Holy Spirit means good Spirit. The opposite of it is Unholy Spirit, which means evil Spirit.

   The easiest way to know what is or who are the Holy Spirit is knowing who are the Unholy Spirit, Evil Spirit. 
   We all may know what is Evil Spirit that is unholy Spirit. They are Angels who don't want to obey and serve God the Lord:- Satan and his followers. 

   When Lord Jesus was to cast out evil Spirit, they said, "What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?" (KJV) 
   Those Spirit are either fallen Angels or their offsprings that is why they know they are to be tormented, punished. Here is the proof:- It is written in the Bible that a hell is prepared for Satan, Diabol and his followers.

   Since, now, we know what is unholy Spirit, evil Spirit let us know who are the Holy Spirits - Holy Ghosts. 

   If we enquire the Bible we can know what is Holy Spirit. In Acts 8:26 (KJV) we see that an Angel is writen as the Holy Spirit. In verse 29 the word "Spirit" confirms that the Angel was Holy Spirit. 

   Since, Angels who are God's Spirits are not evil, we know they are Holy. That means all those who are written in the Bible as the "Spirit" who are in God side and the "Spirit of the Lord" are Holy Spirit. They are also called Angels in other verses.

   But not only Holy Angels are Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus said God is Spirit. We know God is Holy, and since He is Spirit and since He is Holy, it means He is Holy Spirit. 

   Since Lord Jesus is the Son of God we can immediately know He is also Spirit. So, since Lord Jesus is Holy we can also immediately know He is Holy Spirit. 

   So, if we ask who all are the Holy Spirits, "God (the Father in Heaven), Lord Jesus Christ (the Son) and Angels are the Holy Spirits. 
   That is why Lord Jesus said, "And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven." Luke 12: 10. Because such man blasphemed against God the Father, Lord Jesus Christ the Son and the Angels, that means all the Spirits of Heaven, in human words, all the People of Heaven.

   (What we can learn from the above is that the doctrine that say, teach there is A Father's Time/Period, the Son's Time/Period and Holy Spirits' Time/Period (a teaching that say there are different times of action/work for each of the Three Spirits) is just a false opinion, a complete lie. For, as God the Father is Holy Spirit, which they called the Father's Time was Holy Spirit Time. And, since Lord Jesus is Holy Spirit, which they called the Son's Time was also Holy Spirit Time too.
   Also, as Lord Jesus said, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." John 5: 17 It means all time is God's time, it's His time of work. In other words, all time is Holy Spirit time.)

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

A Lesson from the Adulteress

   An adulteress who was caught In the act of adultery was brought to Lord Jesus but Lord Lord Jesus forgave her and told her not to commit adultery again. In other words, not to break the Ten Commandments. (John 8)

   We all are sinners and the adulteress represents us before Lord Jesus. What we can learn from the above is that we all are forgiven - saved by Grace no matter what sin we have done, what part of the Ten Commandments we have broken. Such is the grace and love of God.

   And so the next thing we learn from the story is that we have to sin no more. We should not break the Ten Commandments anymore. Because, Lord Jesus said it so or else we will be burned in hell. For hell is for sinners.

   There are lots of Christian who don't accept the teaching Lord Jesus told to the adulteress. Lord Jesus said "Sin no more," in other words, "do not commit adultery anymore," "do not break the Ten Commandments anymore." But many of us break to keep the Sabbath holy. Many of us like the rest of the commandments but we don't want the commandment about the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments.

   Let us realize that if the adulteress was but who break the Sabbath and brought to Lord Jesus, in other words, if we who break the Sabbath are brought to Lord Jesus, He will tell us to "Sin no more," to not break the Sabbath anymore."
   So we learn from the above that we have to keep the Sabbath holy too. We learn we have to keep the Ten Commandments. 

   This we learn from the adulteress and Lord Jesus story.

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Debate Between a Muslim and Christian: the Lies Told by Mohammad, Koran and Muslims

   Christian: "Lord Jesus Christ and His teaching are made by God.
   Islam is made by Satan and muhammad and other religions are made by Satan and men if not only by men."
   Muslim: "Hahahaha if Islam is false religion then other religion are also false and wrong I have read Qur'an and bible according to Qur'an is much better than bible so how u say that we all r red-blooded so don't hate other religions."

   Christian: "Koran and mohammad are liars. 
Lord Jesus Christ said I am the Son of God, and Seven Eyewitnesses confirmed It and they wrote about Him which is now known as the New Testament in the Bible. Koran and and mohammad lie against them that Lord Jesus is no son of God and he did not die. 
   But the Seven eyewitnesses writer confirmed that He died, rose up again and went to Heaven. 
   Koran and mohammad don't even have eyewitnesses to prove that they are true. You know even in the court eyewitnesses are needed to prove the fact. 
   Koran and mohammad are truly liars sir."

   Muslim: "Jews says Jesus was liar and Christians says Muhammad was liar and Muslims believe in all prophets.
   If Islam is a satanic religion, why does it tell its followers to have belief in Jesus? And on top of that, it makes it clear to them that if they don't believe Jesus and all others before him, their Islam is not complete and will not be accepted in life hereafter."
   Christian: "Islam don't believe in Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ said I am the Son of God, and said pray in My Name to God.
   But Islam, Koran and muhammad, are against Him. Because Koran and Muhammad say Jesus is no son of God and that He did not die. They don't even pray to God the Father in His name. So Koran and Muhanmad are liars. Lord Jesus Christ died and rose up again and went to heaven."

   Muslim: "I obey but I bet u that Jesus is not son of God, this is fairy tales."
   Christian: "If you obey Lord Jesus Christ you will pray to God (the Father) in His name and believe Him what He say that He is the Son of God. You are a liar too if you say I believe and obey in Jesus but don't obey Him."
   Muslim: "If Jesus is son of God then God has ancestors and parent this is not right, think about it."
   Christian: "Human way is not God's way. 
God first created Lord Jesus Christ before anything else. And He became His first Son. 
   Lord Jesus Christ also said I have existed long ago. 
God made Lord Jesus Christ small and put Him in virgin Mary's womb. That's how He came from Heaven."

   Muslim: "I will believe something that has never been altered since the day it landed onto men. bible has been rephrased countless times. but the Quran has not. and secondly, yet another Quran quote;
   And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
   Those who know, know that Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him was NOT able to read or write... this quran verse clearly tells of the very first revelation on Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him."
   Christian: "You can find no prove that Bible is altered execpt editions. So, how can you say It is altered? Remember, minor changes are not major changes, so editions does not wipe away the Truth. Also, even you believe in Torah which is one of your Islam books. Torah is the first five books written in the Bible. If the Bible is altered Torah which you believe is also altered. The truth is you only chose to believe what you are taught to and ignore and say it is altered which you are taught not to believe.
   The Evil book koran is not delivered, muhammad tell it to someone and someone wrote the koran. But it is a book of lies against the Bible that is against Lord Jesus, God the Father and His Children."

   Muslim: "Just answer me, is he not God if he is son of God?"
   Christian: "Son of God is God. And since he came in to Mary's womb and born He is also the Son of man."

   Muslim: "Ok, so how did the God die? the creator of death, was killed by his creation??? explain this to me please... God cannot die. 
   Why are there only 7 eyewitnesses of Jesus's Crucifixion? and do you even use your brain? how come Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him has no eyewitnesses? did he preach in space? u r definitely an idiot. i am not replying you anymore."
   Christian: "Haha you are funny, you only believe in one person who have no eyewitnesses. Even if you take it in the court they will say its a lie.
   I was saying Seven Eyewitnesses writers. There are, in fact lots of eyewitnesses of Lord Jesus but there were about eleven men whose name were written in the Bible and seven are writers of Lord Jesus. 
   God can die if he wants it so. He can do everything. So He can die if he chooses so. And so Lord Jesus Christ died. He was tortured and crucified and then died in the cross. 
   Since he is God (the Son) - Son of God, God the Father rose Him up again on the third day. That proves well that He is God the Son. 
   Its the truth. Its your choice whether or not you believe it. 
   But Seven eyewitnesses writer of New Testament prove the Bible is the only true words of God. 
   You don't know mohammad just meet Satan who disguise as Angel of God and he obey him."

   Muslim: "Muhammad have eyewitnesses of ALLL khalifa's and arabs."
   Christian: "Eyewitnesses? What an added lie. Nobody see that mohammad communicated with God. In fact it was Satan. He have no eyewitnesses to prove he is true. You don't have prove also.

   Mohammad was born and koran was written after about 500 years and they lied against the early Eyewitnesses writers of Lord Jesus and against Lord Jesus himself, and you believe that lies? What a lost person you are sir."

   Muslim: "Haha Qur'an was written in 23 years and there r many eyewitnesses bro
   Christian: "I said koran was written long after Lord Jesus Christ died, rose up and went to heaven. Its about 500 years later. 
   If you want to know, the Bible was written in about 2000 years."

   Muslim: "Qur'an is more knowledgeful."
   Christian: "Knowledgeful? Wrong, brother. You know how the world began, what the present is and what the future will be Only from the Bible. Other books contains lies, and you are not learned in the Lord because your mind is closed - you lack a heart like a child's heart that is willingness to accept the Truth, so you don't know which one are lies."

To discover more, See Table of Contents of this Blog book.

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