Holy Spirit means good Spirit. The opposite of it is Unholy Spirit, which means evil Spirit.
The easiest way to know what is or who are the Holy Spirit is knowing who are the Unholy Spirit, Evil Spirit.
We all may know what is Evil Spirit that is unholy Spirit. They are Angels who don't want to obey and serve God the Lord:- Satan and his followers.
When Lord Jesus was to cast out evil Spirit, they said, "What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?" (KJV)
Those Spirit are either fallen Angels or their offsprings that is why they know they are to be tormented, punished. Here is the proof:- It is written in the Bible that a hell is prepared for Satan, Diabol and his followers.
Since, now, we know what is unholy Spirit, evil Spirit let us know who are the Holy Spirits - Holy Ghosts.
If we enquire the Bible we can know what is Holy Spirit. In Acts 8:26 (KJV) we see that an Angel is writen as the Holy Spirit. In verse 29 the word "Spirit" confirms that the Angel was Holy Spirit.
Since, Angels who are God's Spirits are not evil, we know they are Holy. That means all those who are written in the Bible as the "Spirit" who are in God side and the "Spirit of the Lord" are Holy Spirit. They are also called Angels in other verses.
But not only Holy Angels are Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus said God is Spirit. We know God is Holy, and since He is Spirit and since He is Holy, it means He is Holy Spirit.
Since Lord Jesus is the Son of God we can immediately know He is also Spirit. So, since Lord Jesus is Holy we can also immediately know He is Holy Spirit.
So, if we ask who all are the Holy Spirits, "God (the Father in Heaven), Lord Jesus Christ (the Son) and Angels are the Holy Spirits.
That is why Lord Jesus said, "And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven." Luke 12: 10. Because such man blasphemed against God the Father, Lord Jesus Christ the Son and the Angels, that means all the Spirits of Heaven, in human words, all the People of Heaven.
(What we can learn from the above is that the doctrine that say, teach there is A Father's Time/Period, the Son's Time/Period and Holy Spirits' Time/Period (a teaching that say there are different times of action/work for each of the Three Spirits) is just a false opinion, a complete lie. For, as God the Father is Holy Spirit, which they called the Father's Time was Holy Spirit Time. And, since Lord Jesus is Holy Spirit, which they called the Son's Time was also Holy Spirit Time too.
Also, as Lord Jesus said, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." John 5: 17 It means all time is God's time, it's His time of work. In other words, all time is Holy Spirit time.)
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